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March 24, 2005


Tomorrow we head out to Indiana for spring break. RAW has been looking forward to driving his big ole new truck down to show off but first we need a cap for the back or the thing is worthless to me. But noooo, he has to make something.

Last night I started thinking, what his home made cap comes flying off while on the interstate and causes an accident? We would be so liable and insurance wouldn't help since he made the thing and attached it to his truck.

I was all prepared tonight to piss him off telling him of my concerns.

When I got home from work RAW was standing near his truck and he says, I got some good news and bad news. Uh oh, I can't even remember what the good news was but for the bad news he moves aside to reveal the big boo boo he put on his truck.

In his obsession of gas mileage, he keeps going to the gas station to keep topping it off. This trip it only took 4 gallons. On his way out he hits one of those posts that protect the tanks from people like him.

In his do it your self manner, the booboo looks worse because he has been torching on it. I don't know what he is doing but the bottom line is we can't take it to Indiana tomorrow. I was secretly relived about that. I guess this is what I can expect when I buy him a new truck in reward for wrecking my car.

March 19, 2005

Performance Review

On Friday I had my performance review at work. The boss was about to go on vacation and was rushing around to get both mine and Deb's review done since both of us will be on vacation the week after that.

I was curious to see how this went with Paul, my manager, doing this. Normally the supervisor does this but we haven't hired a new one.

My reviews are always good with the reviewer telling me what a wonderful employee I am. Every year we have a bunch of goals we need to do. I always squeek by getting credit for doing them but this year I felt I blantantly didn't do a lot of them and was wondering if it really has a negative effect on the review and the raise I get later in the year.

Well I can't talk to the raise part until August but I am here to say, I am still an outstanding employee who had a exceptional year. Where I exceeded was with my billables so it is understood why I couldn't complete a lot of those goals. I was too busy making money and that always rules.

Did I ever tell you how we (me and "bob") were rewarded with our outstanding billable hours this year? By upping the goal to be billable for 7.3 hours (instead of 6.3). Yeah right, thanks buddy. Ann keeps telling me not to sign my goals because of that. It is out of our control as we are assigned jobs. I am still waiting for Paul to have me sign the goals cause I am ready to protest. Especially since so far this year I haven't come close to making that goal. I have been slow for the most part this year and I suspect my nice meaty jobs will come while I am out on vacation in a week.

What I am really wondering is how next years performance review will go when I don't have all those billables but I do get my other goals done?

March 18, 2005

This week...

... RAW enrolled Hollace in the Catholic school across the street from the grade school she should of gone into had it not been defective.

I feel a little weird with the whole Catholic school girl thing. I am not Catholic. She will have to wear a uniform. Mixed religious messages. Lutherans (which I am and have been raising Hollace as) are more similar to Catholics than most religions but still I feel uncomfortable.

Speaking of religion and school. Today Hollace had her first bad mark against her behavior. On Fridays if they get a stamp of good behavior every day, they get to pick from the treasure chest. Instead of stamp for today Hollace got a notation saying she misbehaved. She didn't get to pick from treasure chest. I guess she was acting up or was hyper during chappel. The class was singing and she hates singing and won't but was apparently flailing around with another kid. RAW is horrible at letting me know exactly what the teacher said so I really don't know what happened. He keeps getting defensive whenever I ask questions based on the fact he isn't telling me much. "I don't know what she said anymore!" A lot of help you are dear.

I got a fricken fracken cold. Shit, after losing most of the month of February to a sinus infection and bronchitis I am really not into this. So far all this is is a simple run of the mill cold, stuffy, running nose, mostly on the right side.

March 16, 2005

Creativity Update

Well I find it interesting that my new found emphasis on being more creative at work is for nothing.

The corporation is finally launching some branding guidelines. Everything is white, clean and crisp. No call for any original design, not really. The biggest challenge will be finding appropriate photography, crisp, clean and bright. After a 2.5 meeting on it, Adam the art director joked it was time to hit monster.com

In my case, I can use my creativity on personal projects. Right now I am working on a new logo for myself and kind of setting some branding guidelines for myself.

Can you believe I am catching a cold! After losing the whole month to sinusitis I don't want to go there again.

I have a gazillion books to read. I shouldn't be here on the web right now. On Saturday we went to the library where I checked out 8 books, then ordered 3 books for work and still have the 4 books I bought myself a couple weeks ago and I got a new magazine in the mail yesterday. Like I am going to read any of them. More than likely will catch up on my naps.

On Sunday, me and Hollace went to Sherry's to meet her granddaughter. I know I should just say, meet Amy's baby but it is more sensational said this way. First had to meet Sherry's dust mop puppy and Nathan's gangster puppy. Just what they need a nippy tsisu (I don't know, how do you spell that?) and some sort of bull terrier and boxer mix. Both dogs are 3 months old.

Then we went to Amy's. Little miss Jillian is too precious. She is a month old. Almost gave me baby lust. Funny how my sister's boys didn't do it but give a little girl and I am gaga.

I took plenty of pictures filling up my gig card. Unfortunately more than I wanted are blurry. I am always stretching the limits of low natural light shots. Oh well, I will just have to go back and take more.

March 15, 2005

I am livid! School system whoas

You have heard my whoas before about the broken school over here. This is the reason I am paying $3000 for Hollace to go to a private kindergarten.

A little background:
The middle school here was only 8 years old when it was discovered that 53 out of 200 roof trusses were cracked and 10 were put in backwards. It has been later discovered that some other serious structural problem are going on with this school as well.

The school board got some emergency funding from the state and decided to tear down the school and start over instead of repairing the mess.

A parent community group (CURB) who it appears is on the side of the negligant builders is suing and therefore blocking any of the emergency funding, some of which would be paying rent to house the kids somewhere else until the school is rebuilt. They believe the school just needs a bandaid (can you tell whos side I am on?) I know if they just "repair" the building, there is no way Hollace would ever set foot in there. Rebuilding is the only option as far as I am concerned.

Anyway, next year the kids were going to be bussed far away to go to school. I didn't like the idea but was starting to deal with it as opposed to finding another private school (school Hollace is in now only has kindergarten)

Well because of CURB's lawsuit to block things, it is compromising the emergency funds so they might not be able to go to that far away school which means the 600 students without a school will have to cram in the only other school in the district. In order to do that they will have to have all the kids go split shift/half days next year.

That is totally unacceptable! My kid's education is being majorily compromised. Raleigh will be hitting the street tomorrow to find a private school which are all Catholic (Raleigh is Catholic, me and Hollace are Lutheran). It is definately time to sell the house and get the hell out of here. Grrrrr

Daily Hearld Story:

Gavin officials consider split shift for school day
By Lee Filas Daily Herald Staff Writer
Posted Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Gavin school officials might run split-shift school days as a way to offset the loss of state financial aid.

Superintendent Marge Fostiak said the district will review three scenarios in the next month, all of which will involve sending 900 Gavin Elementary District 37 students to Gavin South Junior High School for one of two, daily, four-hour school shifts.

If the scenario is approved by the school board, the school day for half of the student population would be from 8 a.m. to noon, while the rest would attend the second shift from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

She said one scenario has students in kindergarten, first, second, fifth and sixth grades attending school during the first shift, while students from kindergarten, third, fourth, seventh and eighth would attend the second shift.

The second and third options are variations of the same scenario, Fostiak said. Students in even grades would attend the morning shift, while odd grades would attend the evening shift. Or, children in kindergarten through fourth would be in one shift while fifth- through eighth-graders will attend the second shift.

She said if the split shifts are approved the district would drop all gym, music and art classes from the curriculum, while all extracurricular activities would be canceled. Special education, bilingual and prekindergarten classes would still take place.

"We would need to turn the gym into four classrooms, so there is no way we could have extracurriculars or gym classes," Fostiak said. "But, no decision has been made at this point. This is just a worst-case scenario the board of education needs to consider if we lose our state dollars."

She said the district leadership team will review all three different options and make a recommendation to the school board next month.

Fostiak said the split shifts could be put in place if a Lake County judge rules in favor of the CURB Education Foundation in court in mid-April.

The CURB Education Foundation filed a lawsuit against the district late last year claiming lawmakers acted unconstitutionally when allowing the district to raise property taxes without voter approval to build a new Central School.

Central was closed in March of 2004 after 55 cracked trusses were discovered under the school's roof during a routine maintenance inspection.

Fostiak said the state of Illinois withheld all state funding until the CURB lawsuit is decided in court.

CURB President Ron SaLee said Gavin would not be in this predicament had administrators allowed the building to be repaired.

"The reason for this situation is because of the poor choices the administration made at Central," SaLee said. "If they just let the building be fixed, this would not have happened."

March 09, 2005

Its a party!

I love office supply stores, it is like a candy store to me. That said I have never been in a Staples store, there was never one near me. Came close to going in while in Indiana but never made it.

They built a Staples 15 minutes away and on Sunday when I was driving around I thought it surely would be opened by now so I was going to go in. Well, the sign said opens on Tuesday.

Today Wednesday, RAW said hey lets go try that Staples store out tonight. Ok.

The trip out was my first in the new truck. Once we got into Staples, it became apparent that this was their grand opening celebration. I thought the store smelled odd. RAW said that is the smell of new, we found out shortely that was the smell of hordorves. They had these little steak bites wrapped around asparagus and some deep fried cabbage but mostly we ate the home made potato chips and some kind of dark red chips that were sweet, not sure what they were. Then we found the sweets table over by office furniture where they had what looked like a chocolate covered marshmellow but it was little cakes. Me and Hollace really liked the tiny carrot cakes best.

They had live music. These guys while in the store were fun to watch but they eventually were booted to outside the store cause here they are when we were leaving.


March 08, 2005

My girl won't be a doctor

Boy is Hollace squeemish. She doesn't want to see anyone else hurt. She use to pray that she didn't see Haley until her broken arm healed. But Hollace panics when she has a boo boo which is funny cause this kid has teflon skin rarely ever needing a bandaid. One of the only times was Halloween 2 or 3 years ago. She still talks about this even though at the time she didn't want us to talk about it.

Last week someone stepped on her hand. Every time I would ask her how this happened, she couldn't remember. Anyway it looked like a small bruise but apparently it was a bonafide boo boo that warranted a bandaid.

Now it is scabbed and while she says it doesn't hurt she freaks out big time because of it. She holds her arm up crying refusing to look at it. The kid has never had a scab before and it is freaking her out.

Hollace's Hotel

Sunday was a beautiful day. Our first glimpse of spring. We had a birthday party at ArtWorks to go to. I just dropped her off especially since I was there the day before and took to the road for a photo excursion. First I went to Target and picked up a carseat for RAW's new truck (I got the Graco Turbo Booster, thats for you Kelly). I will probably just put the old one in his truck since the new seat has pink on it and you just can't put a girly seat in such a manly truck.

After the party me and Hollace went to play in the car. She was so funny. She drove, had 2 babies belted in the backseat, I was in the passenger seat. Apparently we couldn't find a hotel one night so we slept in the car. The next day Hollace went and found us a hotel. Me and the babies stayed in the car while she checked to see if they had any rooms.

She comes out (of the house) waving a piece of paper. She is excited, they have 2 rooms left. On her piece of paper it says 301 and 302. We have a choice of 2 rooms.

We gather up the babies and go in to check out the rooms. The first room I thought looked nice (my computer room) but Hollace prefered room 302 (her bedroom). We climbed up in her bed and I took a nap. The end

Creativity Update

The concentration I have been putting on creativity is starting to work, more or less. I know have two personal art projects I want to do. I am ready to pick up the 3D stuff again. Now that I have a more competent computer I have no excuses. I am trying to figure out how to watch the LightWave movie tutorials without falling asleep. Not that they are dull, I am sleep deprived. I can fall asleep at the drop of a book. I have all these books I want to read and haven't figure out how to do it yet. I also just got a hyponosis CD on unblocking creativity and gaining self confidence I am sure I will be zzzzzz-ing in no time flat.

Monday was a rough day. I was in a PMS funk big time. At work I had a design to do, it was my chance to show Adam and I fell flat. I couldn't see good design if it bit me on the nose.

Today I felt tons better as far as creativity goes. I did find out I am NOT getting my Mac yet. They flagged the funds for 2nd quarter. They want to see if I can make due with the community Mac, ug.

After work we went and picked up RAW's new 1 ton, dually, diesel big mo-fo truck.

That is all I have to say, I just ran out of steam with this stream of thought. Stay tuned for a Hollace post

March 03, 2005


I have been complaining here about feeling flat on the creativity front. One of the steps I took to fix that was to email Adam, the art director at work about my issues and wanted to pick his brain for ideas and inspiration.

We had our meeting today of which he started by saying he was shocked to get my email since I seem to have it together when it comes to creativity. Of all of the multimedia designers I am the only one who has a good design sense.

We had a nice talk and in the end he is going to try and get me more involved with the design. Right now he has Len in print design doing all the design and I make it work. This has bothered me for awhile now. He seemed real sincere in wanting to work with me and use me more for design so we will see how that goes and if I can pull it off.

I guess tomorrow the bosses talk about capital and whether or not I get my Mac gets determined. No one really wanted to deal with my Mac until a supervisor was hired but I put out there an immediate need. That was a month ago and quite honestly thought Paul was just blowing smoke telling me what I wanted to shut me up. Today he emails me to give him some quick facts on why I need a Mac for tomorrow's meeting. I did. Then Adam comes over and tells me that Doreen (boss above Paul) was asking him if I need a Mac. He said yes. So we will see about that as well.

I got to come up with something to thank Deb for tooting my horn. Deb emailed everyone she knew to tell them to check out my photo blog. Wendy, who hired both me and Deb emailed back. It was nice to hear from her. Then yesterday afternoon was the Administrative Service's ASE awards. I was nominated for an award in Initiative as I have been the last 3 ASE awards. Well, sweet ole Deb is the one who keeps nominating me. All right, what should I do to show my appreciation to her?