
All the doors around me aren’t functioning right.

Our aging dishwasher was the first to go. It has been funky for awhile but all of a sudden we couldn’t get the darn open or at least it took a big effort for it to open. We started to contemplating a new dishwasher. A month later for some reason doing the dishes by hand wasn’t getting old and we hadn’t started shopping for a new dishwasher. RAW decided to take a look at the old one. It works fine. He fine tuned it further and now it opens better than it ever has.

Our main entry way. That door which RAW installed years ago never shut right. He put shims at the top because he thought it was leaking cold air cause it didn’t shut right back then. Lately the door has been shutting too tight and with a loud squeek. Then it took all of your weight to open it but the final straw came when I went to leave for work and it wouldn’t shut. Something was keeping it open 3″. It was the shims. I had to get RAW up and he fixed it but now it won’t latch meaning all you needed to do was to push the door and it would open. Deadbolting it was our only option. Then RAW fixed it again and it worked for a day. Then he left for Indiana. Me and Hollace went to the grocery store and when we got back the door was open, I mean open by an inch! It is back to deadbolting it until he gets home.

A couple months ago on our way to Indiana we noticed the hood wasn’t completely latched on the car. I noticed this while we were going 80 mph. We pull into an oasis on the toll road and RAW spent 10 minutes slamming the hood. It wouldn’t latch. Fast forward to today. I am tapped out of windsheild wash. I don’t dare open that hood to refill it. I won’t be able to shut it.

RAW now has to come home and fix the front door and fill my washer and get the hood shut. Today while driving around I ran over a large plastic bag, couldn’t avoid it. It stayed with me for awhile. I finally pulled it off while at a gas station (filling up and cleaning that windshield) when I thought I smelled melting plastic. Probably not a good idea because I probably just ripped it off leaving the offending piece still stuck under the car cause now the plastic smell is stronger whenever we drive.

Now RAW has to fix 2 doors, fill the washer and get under the car and get that plastic out of there.

Sorry for anyone reading this entry. It appears my ability to string two words together and convey a cohesive thought isn’t working today. I think I just wanted to get this entry in when I really wanted to work on the numerous project I got going so I just typed something out to get it out and don’t care if it makes any sense.

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