Expensive Monday

I took the car in on Monday to check into the radiator problem I had last week. Since the car is getting up there in miles we decided to get the timing belt changed as well. Also that morning I took Cloudy to the vet to get fixed.

By the end of the day my wallet was $1,200 lighter or rather my credit card was $1,200 heavier. At least I get points on my card so I can get some kind of trinket someday.

The cat cost $200. I didn’t know it was so expensive to fix a cat. I think I found an expensive vet, oh well, what are you going to do? We decided late the night before NOT to declaw her. Neither me or RAW could handle it LOL. I saved $100 there. She is doing fine but it seems that she isn’t using her claws anymore, like she got a virtual declawing or something.

I love that the weather is getting nice again so I can go for my lunch time walks. It is so therapeutic and mind clearing. While on my walk on Tuesday it occurred to me that the radiator was leaking because of the front end damage RAW gave it when he rear ended someone in February. I tell RAW this and it occurs to him that insurance should pick up the new radiator then. They send an adjuster in and determine it could of been caused by the crash (Tom the mechanic thought it looked more like wear and tear but his opinion doesn’t matter in this). They says they will send a check for $274 (cost of new radiator). I ask RAW what about labor. He calls them back and they said since we got a new water pump they have to take the radiator off so it wasn’t covered. RAW tells them we wouldn’t of got a new water pump (goes hand in hand with timing belt) if it wasn’t for the leaking radiator so now they are going to cover labor too. I should get a check for $349 next week.

When I bought my computer in February, I was entitled to nearly $200 in rebates. In March I call MacMall or whoever I bought it from asking where it was. They had no record of it but said they would take care of it. Nice, were they hoping I wouldn’t remember? Is that how they do business with rebates? Anyway, they said if I don’t see anything in 4 weeks, call again. Well 4 weeks came and I call. The guy says that a check was cut on April 6, I should get it by Monday for sure. I didn’t. So I call again. This time they tell me that the rebate was credited to my credit card on April 6. Sure enough it was. Awfully nice of them to decide to pay my credit card for me. Yeah, that was the plan to put the $179 on my card but what if I didn’t want to do that or had paid the card off? I didn’t think rebate was really a credit. The thing is I changed credit cards in the meantime and closed the old account. Fortunately it was with the same bank (just upgraded) and it appears to have transfered correctly.

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