Haley, Haley, Haley

Haley has been around off and on this summer. They are suppose to be moving to Tennesse but are spending time at their trailer by the Wisconsin Dells. After a couple weeks she shows up.

On our agenda one day was for me and Hollace to go through all her old toys and clean out her room. I tell Haley that Hollace has to come now. Then I realize this was her last day so we change our plans and go over there so they can play one last time.

Haley mentions that I promised to throw her a party when she leaves. I didn’t promise anyting but I remmeber her telling me that I should throw her a party. Anyway, we have an impromptu party. I put on the Sponge Bob soundtrack, brought out some anglefood cake and the girls had a good time dancing on some bubble wrap. I brought out balloons that kept drifting up on the roof and over the house. It was fun.

Haley was back the next day so I guess it wasn’t her last day but she did dissappear.

A couple weeks later she came back and has been around, as usual, always. She said she isnt’ moving.

Yesterday her mother comes over and is in a chatty mood. What I found out from her…

Yes they are definately moving. Some of her family are going to Tennesse next week to find a place to live and jobs and such. I stand corrected on Haley’s mom being a teenage mom. She said she is 28 which means she was 22 when she had Haley.

She is 4 months pregnant and hiding a cigarette behind her back while she talks. She tells me she has to quit smoking now that she is pregnant but it is really easy. Uh, yeah sure

She is giving this baby to her sister who has had numerous miscarriages. She thinks her sister’s problems may stem from the fact her husband is old….40 years old. I get her weight for all her pregnancies. She was going to get her tubes tied right after having Haley’s little brother but I guess he stopped breating for a bit and she changed her mind. Her mom who just lost her husband wanted to keep her son but she wanted him. She will probably get them tied after this baby is born.

That was the gist of our conversation but I can sort of see now where Haley gets her gift of gab

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