Brainstorms. I got a headache

At work it seems that I all I do is attend meeting and brainstorm and even a focus group. I am not good at brainstorming with others. My original fear is saying something stupid but at these meetings I am concentrating on making it appear as I am contributing. I am on the marketing committee at work. Donna asked me what I tell people when I tell them about where I work. I fumbled all over myself. I know it is so obvious that I am a social misfit. I figure enough of these under by belt and maybe I can get over myself. Hey, today I finally found that list of therapists that I have been looking for for a long time now. I will call one soon. Also did I mention that Christina and Corey asked me to photograph their wedding? I am so honored and thrilled but I need to lighten up, loosen up and get over myself.

Poorly timed AC issues

Today I woke up to the problem of the airconditioner not working. This was really bad news. Today starts a long oppresive heat wave (the next few days near 100). Because of this forecast I was treating it as a snow day and staying inside where it was confortable and clean house. This news compromised my plan.

RAW asked the neighbors who they knew for AC repair. He called that guy and that guy talked him through a repair. I guess the ground wire came loose. We now have air and it cost us nothing. That could of been an expensive experience. We owe that guy our future business.

We now can see Hollace’s floor. Still working on seeing the floor or table surfaces in my computer room but it will happen. I am in a purge mood and the pile going to Goodwill is growing.

Remember Hollace’s penpal named Hollace? This little girl with the help of her dad googled her name and found Hollace. Then I found out they only lived in Racine and then that her dad worked where I did. I think it is her dad who is scheduled to come and install some software for me on Monday. Small world huh


I am already missing Dr. Walker. He always had such wonderful things to say about my teeth. Well he retired and we seen his replacement last week. A young guy from where I am from. He was born in the hospital by mom’s house. Anyway he thinks I need some work on a tooth or two that look decayed under the old fillings. I have noticed that things looked off there for a long time. Why didn’t Dr. Walker ever say anything? I probably should get it fixed now so I can avoid root canals He also thought Hollace had some precursor for cavities in her new molars so he is going to seal them next week. I guess we aren’t perfect. 😉

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