Here I am again

my nails are now cut and I guess I am ready to write even though I am kind of tired.

Tonight we went to the drive in to see Barnyard, another animated kids movie that are starting to having the same story line. RAW mentioned the movie was playing at the drive-in when he went past earlier today. We have been wanting to take Hollace to one of these increasingly rare places. For some reason I wasn’t thrilled to go originally. I am not sure why.

–I am the queen of wasting time. I just took a 30 minute break so I could add some lyrics to some songs in iTunes so I can sing along on my iPod.–

Back to my story….
We didn’t really prepare to go, I grabbed a couple drinks and snack food and headed off. Would of been nice if we brough chairs. I had one in the car. I sat in that one, Hollace sat on the hood of the car and RAW sat in the car. A nice family outing, huh? Oh well, maybe next time now that I know what to expect. This last of a dying breed drive-in kept boasting about its new owners and that they plan to continue on. In Illinois, I was reading, there use to be 120 drive-ins in its hey day but now they are down to 12.

Last week found me out of my routine. On Wednesday, Hollace’s first day of school, was our all employee fun day. I couldn’t work at home like I wanted to to see Hollace off. I did get to come in late so I could help her get ready. At work we got on a bus and took off or tried to. The bus broke down in Gurnee so we sat in a McDonald’s parking lot for an hour waiting for a new bus. Brian somehome noticed there was a $20 way down in the rain sewer. For the next 40 minutes that was everyones goal, get that nasty thing out. Princess was determined with the chewing gum on a broomstick. Then I got my tape out (doesn’t everyone care tape with them?) and we taped a paperclip to try and sphere it. Eventually someone got it out. The new bus then came and we went about our journey.

We ended up in Milwaukee in the alley of this 20s theme restaurant. But first before lunch, it is time for a scavenger hunt. Even before that, each group had to do a human sculpture of an animal. My group unfortunately had to do an alligator. So there we all are (7 of us) layed down in an alley in Milwaukee to do this thing.

We all had an hour to find a page full of things and 2 pages of questions answered. Our team was recognized as the best at scavenging. We found all but 3 things. First we hit the Walgreens with the $20 they gave us then eventually ended up in a mall at a bank with bored tellers who helped us with the 4 leaf clover (St. Patrick decorations), the 1971 penny and the thing that comes back (couldn’t find a yoyo at Walgreens) so we “bounced” a check. We asked, or rather they asked everyone on the street what the state tree is. Then we ran back to the restaurant before we got docked points. At the restaurant, if you didn’t know the password to get in, you had to do something ridiculous. Everyone in my group had to hop like bunnies and every third jump, we had to shake our tail. This was being broadcasted to everyone in the restaurant. It was a lot of fun. In the end, our group took 3rd place over all which means $25. Deb’s team came in 2nd and they got $50. We didn’t realize there were two pages of questions, that was our downfall. But we sure kicked ass in scavengering the objects.

On Friday was the division bowling thing. I am on the committee so I couldn’t get out of it. Normally I skip this event. I got there early to help set up. The theme was Oktober Fest. We bowled 2 games and I got exactly 71 points in both games. I guess I am consistent. I cut out early so I didn’t help clean up, hope they don’t mind since half the people in the committe arrived after we set up.

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