
Last weekend we skipped our camping trip because of the threat of tornados and a generally rainy day. Sunday was beautiful as so not to waste it, I suggested a hike around the forest preserve. R

AW gave me grief over that most of the week over missing camping. Hey, at some point you got to make a decision and stick with it. We will try again next weekend. Well the weatherman is again forecasting rain. This time however it is RAW who doesn’t really want to camp. We got a little bit of rain (generally we aren’t afraid of a little rain) but for the most part Saturday was a nice day.

Instead we decide to go to the Lake County Discover Museum. They had a show of Pulizer Prize winning photos. Interesting show but probably not the best place to take Hollace. Some pretty intense gory images. Hollace didn’t really pay attention anyway.

Before we could go though, Cloudy had freak out moment. She apparently got herself caught in a large paper shopping bag handle. She tore through the house at break neck speed crashing into Hollace’s legos, bouncing off the walls then off to the computer room where there was no noise and no sign of her. Finally I found her hiding behind the printer cart. I have no idea how she got back there but she isn’t budging. She was finally free of the bag but still freaked out. We crawled under the computer desk to check on her. She hissed everytime RAW touched her. We were worried that she got hurt bad during the rampage. Was it her paw? Was it her back? She wouldn’t move or come out.

RAW got out an ice pack, I got out Cloudy’s blanket and her favorite bowl of water. Between all of that she eventually came out. It looks like she hurt her paw but not too bad.

On Sunday we took advantage of the perfect weather and took the train into Chicago. For 4.5 hours we walked and walked, stopping at Millenium Park and tried to make it to the lake (but didn’t). Me and RAW were hobbling around, sore feet all around.

My heel spurs were really hurtin

Today I woke up as usual unable to walk to the bathroom (the time heel spurs hurt the worst) and went to work. I realized my feet felt pretty good so I had the bright idea of taking a walk during lunch, you know to keep with the momentum of yesterday’s walk.

Bad idea. Half way around my 1.5 loop my feet started hurting again and they haven’t stopped 10 hours later. I can barely move my feet let alone walk. Idiot!

Tonight we have been having thunderstorms. According to the blinking clock over there the power flickered 2 hours ago so that is as long as we have been hearing the thunder. I haven’t investigate it too much yet but I suspect my monitor bit the dust. Since I am on a laptop with the monitor as a second monitor I can still see stuff, just not on the bum monitor.

I am proud of Hollace. She went to bed during that thunderstorm without any problems. This has to be the first in her 7.5 years that a thunderstorm was happened during bedtime. Once she is asleep, thunderstorms don’t phase her.

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