This camper business is leaving me frazzled

Yesterday Joann at work came over with her husband to look at our pop up camper we are selling. They bought it right then and there. Me and RAW were thrilled cause we weren’t really counting on selling the thing before we bought the new one on Tuesday cause we hadn’t even tried yet. We couldn’t believe the perfect timing.

Today I cashed Joann’s check and we took the camper to Joann’s. Her driveway is long and narrow as is her street. Cars kept trying to pass through and Raleigh drove out of the way. Joann said he could park in the driveway across the street and then back it right in. RAW roared up that driveway before anyone could drive down the street and then SCRAPPPPPPPE. He bottoms out the back of the camper and gets it stuck in the ditch. Shit. Joann puts her hands over her ears and grimaces. Great, lets ruin the damn thing trying to get it to the new owners.

RAW eventually gets it out of the ditch and in their driveway. Then everyone while using the dolly, push the thing up the narrow part of the driveway to their backyard. That wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Of course I didn’t push. RAW thinks they are going to eventually find pushing the camper up the driveway old real fast.

Tomorrow we are suppose to meet at the credit union to buy Chuck K’s camper. They tell us back in October that they will sell it to someone in the camping club for $13.5K we said we will buy it. Chuck said, it is in storage until April so we can buy it then and heck it might even be cheaper by then. Good price.

Last week when the wife, Lori K, called asking us if we are still buying it we said sure. I asked her how much was it again knowing full well how much. She said, she couldn’t remember knowing full well how much. Red flag went up as I am sure a flag of opportunity went up with her.

Tonight I told RAW to call Chuck to confirm our meeting and to get the price for sure. I was feeling suspicious. RAW squabled about calling calling me paranoid. We didn’t have anything in writing and I didn’t want to wait until we got to the bank to find out her number now differed.

Yep, it differed alright. She said it is 16K and she can’t find anything that says otherwise. Then she said we can work it out at the bank. Yeah….no.

RAW calls back and Chuck answers. RAW tell him if it is 16K then the deal is off. Chuck asks Lori again and she is now down to 14.2. RAW tells Chuck in not so a friendly voice that he will leave a message with his answer on that tomorrow.

RAW goes out in the garage. I go to look up the camper dealer who was going to sell us a new one for 16k last fall to see what he can do for us. Then Chuck calls again and asks for RAW. I can’t find him so Chuck tells me we can have it for 13.5, do we still want to meet. It will just be with him as he and his wife have had a disagreement.

We sent some earnest money a while back for $250 I am going to overlook. I feel bad that there is some bad mojo between everyone now.

Stay tuned, we will see what happens at the Credit Union tomorrow.

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