Hollace is a silly sock kid

We went shopping for school supplies last weekend where I bought her a folding ruler. It is quite fun to fiddle with which is why it was bought for home and not for school where it would be a distraction.

Anyway, by that evening it became a ruler snake and she was fishing for it from the treadmill.

By the end of the night there were nearly 15 ruler snakes (who knew we had so many rulers in the house) swimming around down there. Hollace got an under water camera that looked like a small metal mailbox and made a remote control so you could navigate the camera to see what was going on down there.

All the ruler snakes had distinct personalities. The oldest of the bunch was prehistoric and cranky, he was my old pica ruler with was falling apart. There was a family of metal rulers headed up by the dad, the yard stick, mom the 18″‘er and baby which was this tiny metal 6″ ruler. He was very vunerable and at risk at any time to be eaten by another ruler snake.

The meanest, badest ruler snake was named Yardly. He is was a wooden yard stick. We had to keep control of him with both hands. And at one point he tore a hole in the paper floor lamp in the living room.

Hollace was really upset when that happened. I was in the bathroom so I didn’t see what happened but Hollace cried, “you are going to hate me”. Poor thing, she was crying. I would never hate her especially for an accident. Beside Yardly is one bad ruler snake. I evenutally got her to smile and all was well. I just rotated the floor lamp so the tear is against the wall.

The next night we were suppose to play ruler snakes again but I got home to party favors for sock people. Hollace was busy making party hats and those blowers where the paper unrolls. By the end of the night after I got my lesson on how to make them, I was fired by her by insisting she get ready for bed.

Tonight we were suppose to continue with production of party favors but tonight after a trip to Rainforest Cafe for dinner I came home to a new addition to the sock family, a baby sock. Hollace made a stoller and some construction paper clothes. Tomorrow night we are suppose to have a baby shower for it. We will see 😉

Hollace now has 2 sock families:
The Ropesters which includes Ron as the dad, Belle as mom, Petunia who is British and Rose who is Western like dad and was dressed up as Maid Marian

and there is the Sockteens. Dad is Sampson, mom is Samantha and son is Sam (we was dressed like Robin Hood)

I don’t know who’s family the new baby belongs too. I got pictures of everyone to share later.

Oh and Hollace informs me she isn’t Hollace or Kiwi Girl anymore, she is Sock Girl. When I came home she had cut up socks (btw, all the socks are coming from ArtWorks) on her legs (a la leg warmers) and on her arms.

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