It has been a while

When was the last time I wrote here? I can’t recall. I guess once I hit post here I will go find out. Easy enough.

Right now a giant cricket looking bug is menacing the living room. RAW is in Indiana this weekend so I can’t get him to get this big ass bug out of here. I thought about grabbing a glass and capturing him to throw him outside but I can’t do it. He keeps jumping around. I called Cloudy out to get him but she didn’t come. When I found her I couldn’t bring myself to show her incase it wasn’t a cricket and really was some poisonous leaping crazy bug. So the creature is free to do what ever. I hate bugs.

I don’t think Hollace is doing that good in school. She struggles in both reading and math and is getting extra help with both. She is starting to notice and not feel good about herself. I keep waiting for the reading to click but so far not yet. Last week something did click when it came to writing. She hated that too but she started writing stories (adventures of kiwi girl). Previously her stories were picture ones. Her spelling is atrocious but who cares, she is writing. And just like her picture stories, she is a great story teller. She has a begining, middle and end; good story structure and imagination.

She had an assignment to make a camp brochure. They had to come up with a camp and follow a general layout for info and map. Hollace made up an Aquatic camp complete with a duck shaped pond. She got a perfect score on it. Apparently one out of two who did. She won a prize. Both her and Noah got a book. She is excited. She has the creative down.

One of the reasons her last year teacher recommended her 3rd grade teacher was because of the visual. From what I gather, her teacher is a tough one but puts an emphasis on creativity and art. We finally got to meet her at open house. She has a wacky silly side which is cool and acknowledges different style of learning like visual. We will see.

One thing about Aspergers is that they are usually very smart with the school work. That isn’t Hollace but I think she just puts all of her energy to art. She is definitely gifted there.

In another Aspie thing, the other day we had her wiping off the kitchen table. She hates sweeping the crumbs into her hand. So much so that I guess she threw up when faced with it. Interesting reaction.

Last weekend we went camping with Deb and Joe, JoAnn and her family at Devils Lake. Great weather with the exception of arriving and setting up. Everyone but me went on the hike. I found that as an opportunity to catch up on my reading in peace. Joann and her husband hated the hike. She was worried that Mark might have a heart attack or something. RAW then had to take Joe and Joann to get their cars which was left on the other end. Joe for some reason then took them on a wild goose chase into town (they were following him). This pissed off RAW big time and for the most part Joann too. I thought for sure that they fell off the road and was dead or something when they didn’t come back soon. I heard emergency vehicles which only worsen my fears.

I think RAW just quit his lunch aid job at the school. It is sad really. The middle school students started calling him a pervert. Why else would a man be doing this. There were a couple students out to push his buttons and he doesn’t take to that too well. I figured something like this might happen when dealing with middle schoolers. Horrible age for that. He decided it was time to get out before someone started with false aquisations and the police show up at our door.

I got my haircut. It is probably the shortest ever for me. It is chin length. I like it. Everyone noticed it this time.

Well I guess I wrote enough. I wonder if that bug showed himself out of my house. Ack.

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