New Year resolution time!

You would think for how as old I am, I would be so over making resolutions but I guess I am a sucker for disappointment because I still look forward to making them.

I guess why is because I don’t go into them thinking I am going to break them. I always feel a sense of promise like I am going to do it this year.

That said, I will now forget I even said the disappointment word and go back to my optimistic ways.


Resolution #1

I got to lose all that weight. Seriously. It is time for a mind change. I better stop right here and pick up that self hypnosis book right now.

I was visiting Cindy and her clan this weekend. 4 year old Mac told me I have a big butt. So true. The day before he mentioned my fat tummy. You sure can’t beat the honesty of a 4 year old. The last time I was that fat and got that honesty was right before I got pregnant with Hollace in 98 when a 6 year old Read asked me why I was so fat.

Really why? Lets not give these bluntly honest kids a reason to be honest like that.

Ok, I can say I need to lose 100 lbs in 08 but what am I going to do about it to make it reality. I know all the things I need to do but how can I make it work? It really is all in my mind. My health insurance company has a health coach that will call you once a week. I was getting ready to call them to set that up when they called me. They scheduled the first call for Jan 8th.

I will read all those Spark People emails I get by spending a chunk of time every night doing so. Maybe get a subscription of Prevention magazine or something and reading it. I have been carrying around an old Prevention magazine in my book bag for over a year and have yet to read it. I just really need to put my mind on it.

Resolution #2

Be more creative. I would like to call myself an artist and while most of you already think I am, I feel like a fake in that department. Yes, I take lots of pictures but I need more control over my imagery. I need to start planning out what I want to visually achieve, put my soul in there. I have been going low-tech with my art which is a nice step with my film based toy cameras and medium format Rolleiflex. So much fun. Next will be developing my own film and getting back into painting. I got a painting kit and I still owe mom the painting I promised her 18 years ago. After I Monet-out for her, I really want to meld my photography with the painting for something unique.

Resolution #3

Lose the fear. Really I got to quit fearing life and start living it. Because of all the changes at work, they gave us the book “Who Moved my Cheese” I started reading it today and one quote really grabbed me…”What would you be doing if you weren’t afraid” or something like that. My whole world would open up if I could get past the fear.

Resolution #4

Get a handle on time. I don’t know what the deal is but I am ultra aware of the passing of time. On the weekends I am constantly aware of the time and that the weekend is almost over that I don’t do anything with it. I have so much free time and can’t seem to maximize it to its fullest. There is so much I want to do then realize I just wasted it all on the internet. I am a master of to do lists but never go back to them after I write them. I want to take up reading for pleasure; developing my own film, then scanning it–so much more slower than just shooting digital in the first place; painting; quality time with Hollace; exercise–ok, I don’t want to do that yet but I have to; get a NetFlicks account and start watch movies…..STOP! Where is the time to do all of that on top of the general house stuff and family stuff. For some reason I keep adding to my list instead of simplifying. I got to work this out in 2008.

I guess for starters, go to bed earlier so I don’t sleep until 10am on weekends. So on that thought I bid you a good night

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