More stupid stress

So on Saturday I go sit in a few cars and do lots of interest research. By the end of the weekend I have decided I wanted a Hyundai Elantra. Of course that isn’t even a car I sit in.

The problem with Hyundai’s however is they have a bad rep. Everytime I tell anyone I want an Elantra they either groan or flat out tell me they suck. The thing is that with all the research I have done I learn that isn’t the case anymore and that they are really good cars. They have lots of features and aren’t all that expensive.

Now it is time go test drive one. I decided I wanted a purple one with a sunroof. The Hyundai guy say he should be able to get one from another dealer.

I need to get this car on Friday. That is the last day of their $1000 cash back and also my rent a car is due back (I had to extend it a day since it really was due today)

I get a Car Quotes thing from the credit union where I only have to pay dealer invoice.

Today I called the dealership and stupid me mentions the Car Quotes and with that pretty much said, you aren’t making any money from me. An hour later they call back and tell me my car, the purple one with a sun roof turns out to already be sold.

Dang, now I have done it. There isn’t anything in it for them to go out and find my car anymore. Now I feel screwed cause I won’t probably be getting any car now and the $1000 rebate will be done and ….I was pissed.

But then at that moment work got crazy with all these little emergency requests. The big job I mentioned in the last post got completed this morning and the client LOVES it. The all employee show for that is tomorrow so in the back of my mind, I can’t relax yet but do feel better about it.

In the middle of all the crazy work, my boss emails me a nice note with my performance review. I apparently have done really good this last year. That was good. Then right before I leave the Hyundai guy calls and has secured my 2nd choice of a car (purple with no sun roof). He will have it tomorrow. I feel much better now but I know anything can still happen and I am still worried about the final sale.

We had the Subaru towed back home. Have no idea what to do with it. I don’t want to think about it right now.

Also during this week of major decisions, Apple finally annnounces the Mac Book Pro updates I have been waiting for for months. So now I need to make decisions about that too. If I buy from Apple, I can get the faster drive and get it in a few days. If I go to MacMall, I get the standard drive and save $200 in rebates but it won’t ship out for a week and a half. What to do, what to do?

I look forward to staring at a blank wall doing no thinking this weekend.

Wish me luck tomorrow on the car and the All Employee Meeting show. I hope I can survive whatever life throws me. I feel a bit at the end of my rope.

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