
The cat is going nuts on me. For the last 30 minutes, she has been moaning/growling at the window. I honestly can’t see anything out there. There is a big clod of something, maybe she thinks that is threating her domain.

I have been driving my new car for a week now and I like it. Not so much the steering wheel though. First of all the leather wrapped thing is too smooth and my hands just slip. The steer is a bit tighter than the Subaru so I am afraid it will slip away from me during a crucial turn. The other thing I don’t like is the spoke is at the bottom. Apparently I like to drive with my hand at the bottom and I just can’t with this car.

Driving at night is still the coolest though with the days getting longer, I probably won’t see those cool blue lights much. Tonight we set the clocks up for daylight savings time which mean it will be dark in the mornings again. I will have to live with that for awhile. In the meantime, I need to get that beast to a car wash. I hate new cars for that reason!

This week at work has been back to normal again as well. Busy, just with mundane normal stuff.

I spent time this week planning on how to make my computer room more inspired. I then realized I really should use that energy to do the kitchen. How dare the computer room try to prioritize itself like that. So instead, I tried to clear the clutter and manage all those cords. I took count of how much I need to plug in just for the computer area. Twenty-two! Only 5 of those can be plug in as necessary. I think I need to rewire this room!

This week I finally ordered my new Mac. I finally decided to order from MacMall because they had a $150 rebate and Parrells software was free (after rebate of course) so the savings were over $200 compared from ordering from Apple.

While Apple had it immediately, MacMall wasn’t getting any in until the 11th. Because of that I held off ordering so I could be absolutely sure.

On Wednesday I finally pushed the Submit button thinking the deal wasn’t going to change, might as well….

On Thursday, Mikey at work tells me he is getting his new MacBook Pro that night. He ordered thru Apple and reminded me that through work, we get $200 off! Dang, if I would of held off a day, doesn’t it just figure. I then did the figuring and with the tax difference and the fact I have to buy Parrells, it figured out to be only a dollar different.

When I got home I decided to cancel the MacMall order. Who wants to deal with rebates, give me my saving right up front.

About 5 seconds after I hit submit at Apple, does the phone ring. It is my credit card company noticing all the activity (that is quick). First off they tell me about a Apple charge for $5 at iTunes. Uh, that was suspicious? Then she got to the computers. I appreciated the call. She did seem embarrassed that it wasn’t really fraud and tried to turn her concern to the fact that my credit limit will have a $5000 hold (between the 2 computers) on it for 10 days before the canceled order clears. Not a concern since I only use 10% of my credit limit anyway but she just kept stressing this.

Now I am waiting for my order from Apple which will probably get here about the time the MacMall one was, so I didn’t save any time.

Hollace had one of her rare sick days last Saturday. I was dreaming about being sick at work then I wake up and she comes in bed with me. She is feverous. For several hours I wait before giving her Motrin cause I wanted her body to fight whatever ails her. At 1:00 she is getting more miserable and I take her temp. 103.1. Eek! About an hour the meds kick in and she is back to normal. She even got dressed, something she doesn’t like to do on a healthy weekend day. About 8 hours later, the Motrin wears off and she is wilted again and 103.2. More Motrin, off to bed and she sleeps it off. The next day she is fine with the exception of a stuffy nose.

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