Bullying neighbor

Hayley is a loud obnoxious 2nd grader that lives two doors down. Lately on the bus she has decided to mess with Hollace and try to steal her stuff. Wait, instead of typing this out again, let me copy and paste from BYB what I wrote there….

Hollace is a very sensitive kid and one that I figure will be an easy target to bullies just like I was.

There is a girl two houses down a year younger than Hollace that is starting to mess with her on the bus. Haley keeps trying to “steal” things from Hollace or trying to take her stuff and the other girl sitting with Haley flicks her in the head and pulls her hair. Hollace tells them to stop and has told the bus driver which of course doesn’t help.

My real problem is that Haley is very outgoing and is a friend to everyone and Hollace is very introverted and has a hard time making friends. I can so see Haley turning all the neighborhood kids against Hollace eventually. We live right next to a playground and am worried Hollace is going to be terrorized practically in her own yard. She is already a lonely kid wanting to play with someone. This is breaking my heart (I am nearly in tears writing this right now)

Maybe I am making this out to be more than it is or ever will be but I am genuinely worried that this is going to be the scenario.

I don’t know what to do or tell Hollace to say to get Haley to leave her alone before Haley gets the idea that it is fun to mess with Hollace.

RAW is pissing me off about this because his solution is to encourage Hollace to slug her or something. He thinks that is the only way it can be handled. He has some unresolved issues from his childhood that he is trying to project on Hollace.

After getting lots of good comments from the BYBers, I posted this update

What I did was email the school social worker who has a big anti-bullying program going on. Once a week Hollace has been meeting with her for her Aspergers so Hollace has a relationship with her (and also she lives 2 doors down from us). I wanted her to help Hollace learn how to deal with Haley better.

She wrote back saying she was going to talk to Haley by telling her that other kids on the bus reported the incident and that she would talk to Hollace as well.

Also RAW asked the bus driver to move Hollace’s seat away from Haley

I don’t think Haley had a good day yesterday. She got some kind of note or notice from the bus driver, a talking to by the social worker and after school, her dad marched her (in tears) to our house to apologize to Hollace. Of course her dad had to throw in one of those “kids will be kids” statements.

I really hope that Haley was just being obnoxious in her messing with Hollace and not really mean spirited and that this is the end of it but part of me worries that this event could make things worse as far as in the neighborhood. In the meantime, I will have Hollace passing out the Tootsie’s whenever Haley is at the park 😉

I guess Hayley wrote Hollace a note apologizing as well but she left it at school so I don’t know what it said.

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