Communication overload

I am not a phone person but so far this week I talked 90+ minutes with Sherry (I suppose that is normal) and 90 minutes with Paula. I have had it on my list to call aunt Bobbie about the weekend since she won’t answer my emails so I talked to her for 40 minutes today. When I couldn’t reach her at lunch when I originally tried I decided to call grama and talked to her for 30 minutes. And I called Rosie who I haven’t talked to in years. I talked to her for 30 minutes. And it is only Tuesday.

It was nice to catch up with everyone but there was other communications changes that took place this week. One was that I unblocked text messages on my cell phone so now I have been going back and forth with the texts with Sherry today. The biggest change was that I finally signed on with Facebook. OMG, that place is nuts all the stuff going on with everyone. I have reconnected with a few online friends and within a day after signing up I heard from LInda from the old photo lab days. Then I heard from Nikki’s daughter (Linda’s niece) They were both asking if I heard from Rosie which prompted my call today.

Signing on Facebook and adding all my buds from both BYB and MM has been interesting to say the least. I feel like there has been this party going on that I just figured out was happening. It is fun and I am addicted of course.

My fingernails are too long to type and it is past my bedtime so this post isn’t as articulate as I was hoping but there you have it.

Oh, I got my haircut today–shoulder length bob. RAW liked it –wink-wink

When talking to grama I was shocked to find out that my Republican (and sometimes racists) grama likes Obama and would vote for him. Someone somewhere told her she doesn’t have to vote anymore. Like she was forced to before and now that she is old (89) she is retired with this voting business. I will have to tell my mom to get grama to the polls especially in light that she is voting for my guy 😉

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