My weekend

I am a homebody, I just am and so is RAW. For a homebody we seem to go away for the weekend a lot. It drives me nuts cause a weekend at home really centers me for the upcoming week.

Last weekend was a weekend at home but really on Sunday we spent the day in Chicago and I guess that means it wasn’t a weekend at home cause I still felt out of sorts.

This weekend was a weekend at home. Our one out and about was on Friday evening at the gallery opening at the community college where my photo was accepted (56 selected out of 266 entries)

It was nice, lots of food and a live jazz band.

I feel bad though because of a snarky moment I had. I have no idea why I got like that. There was a photo that got in of the underside of Cloud Gate (aka the bean). RAW said, he liked that shot and I snarked back that I have taken so many photos just like that that weren’t worthy of me even uploading to Flickr. There was a guy standing near by who probably heard me. Then I secretly freaked, what if he was the photographer. I felt awful and pondered that the rest of the night.

In my snarky response I was trying to minimize or cut down RAW’s positive comment about the photo. While writing this right now it occurred to me that I did that was because RAW barely pays attention to my photography or rarely ever says anything about it. It isn’t because he is mean or doesn’t really care it just isn’t his nature or something. When he said something positive about that other a bland cliched photo when my original photos go mostly unnoticed by him, I just snapped.

Early Saturday RAW went off to Indiana so it was just me and the kid. I found it to be a very beneficial weekend as far as being a homebody and getting things around the house done.

Didn’t leave the house at all today, yesterday went grocery shopping, out to eat, to Kohls and to Hobby Lobby to buy stuff for Hollace’s Halloween costume (she is going as a Fennec Fox).

(isn’t he cute, I printed this out and named him Sparky— ok, so I share this new animal obsession with Hollace ;-))

It occured to me tonight that everyone is going to think she is a chihuahua with Beverly Hills Chihuahua coming out this week. I won’t tell her or she might change her mind on the costume.

This weekend, I finally finished up Sandy’s Pax photos. They are now ready to print and frame. I also finished the restoration of my great-grandparents portrait that my mom wanted to redone.

On the kitchen front, it occurred to me my procrastination on ordering the counter wasn’t just RAW worried about getting it measured properely (ok, it is mainly that) but also I wasn’t as set as I thought I was with my choice. I found another chip that I think will work much better. The color and pattern is toned down. Hopefully this week we will get it finally ordered.

Tonight while I was in the shower and RAW was only moments away from walking in the door, I told Hollace to answer the phone. It was RAW’s mom trying to reach RAW. Hollace answered it after the answering machine picked up so I have the conversation recorded. I was shocked how impatient and rude Hollace was to her grama. Dorothy asks if RAW is there. Hollace says no, Dorothy not understanding asks again. Hollace goes rudely, “I said no, he isn’t here!”. Then Dorothy still not getting it asks if she can talk to him. Hollace tells her we expect him in a few minutes. Sure enough, 1 minute later he shows up and his cell phone is ringing, it is his mom.

I will have to talk to Hollace about talking to her grama like that.

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