I am being smothered by my project to do list

Here is everything on it

  1. Kaleidoscope photo gallery to learn CSS5 and JQuery for work and to have a this gallery to repurpose as possibly an iPad app and/or to put on an unused domain
  2. Develop that unused domain. I have had it for a couple years but all of a sudden I must do something with it now.
  3. Create an iPad app, hopefully of the Kaleidoscope gallery.
  4. Make 2 sets of Moo stickers. One with some of my iconic images and one of those Kaleidoscope patterns.
  5. I really should finish up Ode to Toast. The timing just sucks right now. This is something that will go on the new site when done.
  6. I want to learn and master Cinema 4D.
  7. Develop greeting cards, magnets, bookmarks of Toast and Kaleidoscopes.
  8. Make music with Garage Band on iPad because it freaking rocks. (this wasn’t on the to-do list but it should be)
  9. Miscellaneous things like make a phone card for Hollace and resize the old Race video optimized for iPad.
  10. Shoot analog. I acquired a new Polaroid camera and just got some film for it today. Also my Holga has been long neglected. Oh and I should call the Rollei guy to clean up the Rolleiflex

That is enough, I am starting to get carried away. I guess I like to stay overwhelmed with the projects so I do none of them. In the meantime, enjoy this video

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