Finally on a roll

I am finally on a rollĀ  with a design for and now I risk halting that roll by coming here to write.

This last week RAW and Hollace went to Fort Wayne for their weekly visit to grama. We usually sign Hollace up for Farm Camp (day camp). I was worried because the weather was ultra hot (100 and humid) and Hollace doesn’t like heat. None of do well in it. Being at a farm camp means working outside for the most part so yes, I was a worried.

What ended up happening was Hollace was having so much fun cleaning out the cow barn, tending to the goats and harvesting for the farmers market she didn’t complain about how hot it was….seriously! Yes, it was hot and yes she sweat more then she ever has before but that was an asterisk when telling me about her day every night on the phone. I could hear the excitement in her voice. She was engaged, working hard, making a difference and feeling good about it. So much so that she was open to trying new food and now squash and okra are now part of her diet. And she wants to start eating spaghetti with sauce now. Now that she is home, I need to figure out a way pronto to keep that positive momentum going before she goes back to being a slug on the internet.

As for me and my week of solitude…I wasted it. As usually I had lofty plans on being and enriching creativity. Yes, I finally got my website design figured out but that wasn’t until the end of the week. I watched TV, yep TV. Basically my Mary Tyler Moore show and Dick Van Dyke and sometimes if I didn’t get up fast enough Bob Newhart. That killed an hour and a half out of my evening and added nothing to my enrichment.

Tuesday night I had the bright idea of doing a thorough cleaning of Cloudy’s litterbox. I forgot to make sure there was enough clean litter to refill with. Of course there was not so I had to make an emergency trip to Walmart.

On Friday, I had my early day so after going to Target for groceries I came home and got ready for Sherry’s visit. At the moment she finally arrived I was talking to H about a project she was having a hard time with at work. I see by a later email, that I will be needing to deal with that one when I get in tomorrow morning.

Friday was Sherry and I’s concert at Ravinia to see Five for Fighting. Not music I would pick out for myself but that isn’t the point. It was a sold out yard and we left a little later then usual but parking was light for some reason so was the line for the shuttle bus. First however, we went to Walker Brothers for our annual egg dinner. I had the Venician Benedict as usual but Sherry varied from the norm and got Sante Fe Omlet. What we really go there for is the pancake side dish. We spent a good amount of time trying to figure what makes their pancakes, butter and syrup so good.

We get to the concert at 7:20 (start time was at 7:30). Since I didn’t really care about the muscians we went to see I wasn’t stressing out about how late we were. Since it was sold out I knew finding a place to sit would be hard but we kept it light and didn’t need all that much room.

Because Sherry fried her iPhone a few months ago, she wasn’t able to play Word with Friends and missed it so I got out the iPad and we played a few games, pass and play style. She kicked my ass in all three games we played.

On Saturday I taught her all about Stephen Colbert and how frickin funny he was. Finally at around 3:00 we left the house and went to Deer Lake mall only their power was out and all the stores (or most) were closed. The California Pizza Kitchen still had their power so we had lunch. Then we walked around. At 5:00 the power came back on and some stores opened.

When we got home at 6:30, RAW and Hollace were home from Indiana.

Sunday around 1:00 Sherry headed home. RAW tried out the new grill and we had hamburgers and squash and okra for dinner.

Now that I got that out of the way, it is time to try and get that website wheel rolling again!

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