It is that time of the year again

I guess it is, that is. Not really any snow so to speak and the fact I haven’t gotten the Christmas tree up yet is contributing to the illusion that it Christmas isn’t really only 9 days away.

At this moment I am taking a break from Christmas card production while listening to She & Him’s Xmas album and most of my shopping is done and all of that, I still don’t realize Xmas is here.

I originally had next week off for the holidays but I realized that Hollace didn’t so I changed it to the week between Xmas and New Years. I hope the weather is drivable since we will be spending the week visiting folks.

Last weekend was my 48th birthday. That number is starting to sound old. I am already starting to freak out about turning 50. Oh dang, how can that be? Seriously. My hair isn’t grey yet, just under the bangs on the right side. I still don’t need reading glasses but I am sure that will be changing soon. I don’t think I will handle that well. Also this year my periods are starting to get slightly irregular. As soon as those three things really hit, I will feel old.

Until them I am not. Do you know I have never gone in a liquor store by myself and maybe in one with someone else maybe 3 times. I am totally delusional to think I’m not yet 21! Maybe I should do that now that I am 48. Go in and buy a bottle of wine and be a wine drinker. That sounds older then I feel. Maybe get my hair cut short, I still wear it the same way as I have my whole life, younger then a 48 year old.

One of the mom’s that wait while our kids are in Japanese class assumed she was older then me and I assume she was younger then me. We are the same age.

For my birthday, Sherry came up for the day. She had homework to do so for the most part she sat on the couch to do it. She isn’t old either, she is doing homework for God’s sake!

When Sherry was done with her homework, we all went to Tsukasa for dinner and a little shopping while we were out.


2012 might be an interesting year. I hope nice even numbers are insignifcant as I will be celebrating 20 years at Abbott next November right around the time the company separates into two companies. I hope I fare well here, but at this time no one has any clue what is going to happen to shared services like the art department.


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