The mother-in-law

Shortly after that last post with the photo of Dorothy’s mother, RAW went down for his regular visit taking that photo with him. A couple days later she asks RAW to call 911 because she didn’t feel very good. I don’t think they ever found out what was wrong with her but she ended up staying in the hospital for 4 nights. I guess a couple of those nights she did have heart trouble but that was most likely caused by being off her regular Rxs being in the hospital.

Because of RAW’s now extended stay down there, I worked a day at home so I can teach Hollace how to get her self off to school on her own in case she had to like she had to the next day.

RAW came home while Dorothy was still in the hospital thinking that she was going to be there for a few more days until he could get back but she got released the next day and sent to the Lutheran Home for convalescence.

While he was down there, while driving her car, he is involved in an accident practically right in front of her house. Some young guy just home from Iraq made a left turn while RAW was going straight. It sounds pretty cut and dry, the other guy’s fault but the police report said it was both’s fault and that RAW was in the turn lane even though he was going straight. That doesn’t sound right to me. RAW knows that intersection so why would he be in the turn lane when he was going straight?

At the accident scene he was given a citation for having expired plates and no proof of insurance. It was becoming apparent that Dorothy was not handling her bills very well. Her license was suspended since she wasn’t able to show proof of insurance after an October accident she was involved in. She also had an overdue handicap parking ticket. She doesn’t get that in order to park in handicap she has to have a handicap placard which I am sure she is eligible to have, heck she already has the mailman delivering her mail right to her door now instead of across the street because of a doctor letter.

She was just going to be running into the store for 5 minutes but it turned out to be 2 hours.

Which brings us to the next bugaboo in her not getting it. The cell phone.

She had a Jitterbug phone and paid month by month, no contract. I guess that phone quit working (I think it was for non-payment of the bill) so she went to Sprint and got a new phone. She claims she didn’t sign no contract but she does now have a 2 year contract.

While RAW was visiting her in the hospital, he put her new phone in a bag with some milk which leaked and fried the phone.

That’s it, we will get her on our phone line for only $10 a month and another new phone. In order to cancel with no $200 early termination fee is to get a simple letter on a doctor’s letterhead stating why. RAW talks to the doctor who says no, Dorothy ok. It probably would of helped if RAW filled him in on all the bill messes. Anyway, Lutheran House faxes something over.

In the meantime we try to retain her old number and get it ported to the Verizon account. No problem, only now Sprint won’t waive the early termination because it is apparent we are still using the account just through another carrier–duh on us.

While RAW comes home while Dorothy is still in the hospital, he gets a call from his cousin Theresa. After her quick, how is your mother, she starts ripping into him about him hurting her mother’s feelings. “How dare you speak to my mother that way after all she has ever done for you.” This went on for 15 minutes. RAW has no idea what he said or done to Aunt Geri. Geri isn’t a wimpy sensitive little old lady. She knows RAW, she knows how abrupt he can sound. He calls Geri and she sounds fine before he could ask if he has offended her somehow Jay gets on the phone and talks cars.

I was pissed! Theresa has always been a royal bitch in the first degree but I couldn’t believe her gaul. Seriously woman, you have the nerve to call like that knowing the stress RAW was already under with his mom in the hospital, seriously?

The next weekend after Dorothy was at Lutheran House, we all go down there for a visit. I present her with her new phone.

A few days after we home RAW makes yet another trip out there to sort through the bills, deal with the car and insurance, citations and such. Originally he was trying to get back before Saturday cause Pam and Cindy and kids were coming out for Hollace’s birthday but we switched it to next weekend so RAW stayed out until tonight. His mom got released from Lutheran House on Friday so it just made sense that he stay there to settle her in.

I guess today has been a challenge to him and her both as she tries to regain her billing system while RAW tries to keep control. Lot of heated battles. She still doesn’t think she signed a cell phone contract or needs to deal with the handicap parking. Nor does she seem to acknowledge that her DL is suspended but at this point, her car is still getting fixed.

Hopefully soon we will have her name on a senior apartment waiting list which is what she has been wanting for a long time.

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