So, last week I thought I was going blind

Actually I first noticed something odd with my vision while Paula was visiting. On my right eye there was a blurry spot. I had the urge to rubĀ  my eye to clear things up but it didn’t help. Upon further review, I noticed it was like a piece of film with definite edges that seemed to float around there. It was odd and I was a little concerned but distracted since my sisters were visiting.

After everyone went back home I decided I should look into this odd eye thing that was still there. I try not to play Dr. Google but I wanted to see what the symptom was for all the eye ailments I could think of.

I typed in cataracts then macular degeneration (like mom has) and then glacoma. All of these eye diseases are associated with old eyes. Sherry’s boyfriend has cataracts and is only a couple years older then me so anything was possible. None of those sounded like what I was witnessing.

Then it occurred to me that it looked like something was detached. Yikes, detached retina! OMG, that so totally sounds like it. I asked Sherry about it and mentioned it on BYB and it was unanimous, get yourself to an eye doctor pronto!

I went to a few days later and psyched myself up for a worst case scenario of horrible treatments in my eye. What she said what I had was a posterior vitreous detachment (I guess that detachment part right) and the only thing that can be done is nothing.

What I had was the granddaddy of floaters. Yep, a glorified floater. It won’t go away but my brain will eventually forget about it.

One of the symptoms of a detached or torn retina is a posterior vitreous detachment. So there you have it. Hopefully I will never get there.

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