Testing, testing…is this thing on?

I know it hasn’t been that long since I last posted so I am pretty sure I’m still out there even though no one reads.

I just took the Apple bluetooth keyboard out of the closet and put on my analog desk (totally aside the point of an analog desk but oh well). Anyway I felt like typing with it so here I am.

It is time for Dorothy’s annual get sick, go in a nursing home to get better and kill a cell phone. She is actually three weeks early. This year she didn’t get as sick so she didn’t get that four day stay in the hospital which then complicated things as far as medicaid and the nursing home. She had absolutely no energy. Over Christmas she alluded to me that she was winding down. She turns 90 in June.

Last year we got her a new cell phone after her old one took a bath. RAW just called and said they found her cell phone after the nurses took her sweaters–yep in her pocket after washing them.

Another apparently annual thing that goes in this cluster that I just realized while typing this is a death of a member of MY family. Last year my grama died at the age of 92.98 (2 days before her birthday). My mother called yesterday to tell me my cousin Tom died. He was 46 and in poor health mainly because of uncontrolled diabetes. He had no money or insurance (and no leg) but it was pneumonia that got him. I guess he was in the hospital for it but once they found out he had no medicaid or is it medicare (I can’t remember which is which, one is for old people and the other for poor people) they discovered he was ok and can go home. I don’t know how much time passed but he got worse and by the time his friends brought him back his lungs were totally filled up and his blood sugar was 500+! They knew he wouldn’t make it and he didn’t.

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