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June 29, 2005

Photography and Feet

Catherine Jamison is like a rock star in the photoblogging community. I joined in one of her Flickr groups and every picture I submit, she selects as a FAVE of hers. That alone makes me all warm and fuzzy to have this talented photographer like something of mine. Catherine has been commissioned to write a book on photoblogs so she started another photoblog site where she draws from Flickr. I decided to check in on that blog the other day and was shocked to see one of my photos front and center with a little blurb based on what I wrote as a comment about that particular picture. Too cool

My Flickr addiction is still raging. Last weekend I took a few photos of the kids Monika's graduation party (wife of Jim from work) so I have been feeding my blog and flickr with people pictures for a change. Getting lots of nice feedback.

Yesterday at work, there was meeting for the webcommitee of the Women's Leaders in Action that I am part of. There was a new girl joining up. She works in AI doing label design but is fresh out of school with a passion for multimedia. We talked a few minutes after the meeting. I think this meeting gave me the fire to get my focus back on track and to quit wasting so much time. She is stuck in AI for the next 9 months but after that she could give me a run for my money. I sent her a link to my website as she did hers. After initially meeting her I was a little threaten that she will be after my job but after seeing her site which wasn't horrible by any means, it did ease my mind a bit.

She sent me an email after I sent her my link with a lot of exclaimation marks. I think it was sincere (I could see her passion showing) and not just a brown nose note. We will be getting together soon to talk about all things multimedia and art. At the very least she will keep me on my toes.


My feet hurt; in 3 different ways. On the left foot is my suspected heel spur that really only gives me problems first thing in the morning. On the right foot I have ankle pain. 15 years ago I fell down a stair in my old Chicago apartment and I suspected I cracked the bone. I never went to a doctor for it (couldn't have a cast on my driving foot).

On and off since then I get sharp ankle pain. While it might be connected to that old break, I really suspect (there I go suspecting again) that this is gout I am experiencing. The third problem is the ball of my foot on my right side. I suspect bad shoes and obesity are to blame there.

RAW has been complaining about foot problems too so now I have to find a podiatrist for both of us so I can quit "suspecting"

June 21, 2005


Quick history of Haley.

Last year I was wishing Hollace had a playmate that lived nearby her age. The next day Haley showed up. And showed up and showed up. Her mother and grama don't keep tabs on Haley and last winter she would be at our house all day with no one checking on her. Then all of a sudden they seemed to keep track of her walking her over and then back home.

Now that it is summer she is running amuck again. She is coming over numerous times during the day and won't leave when we ask her to. We tried to take a family walk and she tagged along on her bike. We spent the entire walk telling Haley to watch out for traffic or not to run us over. It is summer and Haley's mom isn't doing anything to help her with boredom so she just wanders around. When Hollace isn't home or can't play I see Haley hanging around the teenagers at the basketball court.

Then we hear Haley may be moving to Tennessee. While Haley was quite the pest, Hollace and her played pretty good together.

Enter Haley number 2. A five year old girl named Haley moved in on the other side, a replacement Haley so to speak. She seemed to be pretty outgoing as well but her parents kept tabs on her.

Haley #1 quickly started hanging out at their house. Haley #2's mom asked us if anyone is watching out for Haley #1.

Haley #2's dad came over the other night. He wanted to let us know that while Haley #1 was playing with his daughter and her friend, she tried "kissing on them" and touching inappropriately. I talked to Hollace and am pretty sure nothing like that was happening when she played with Haley #1. Haley #2's mom work in daycare and went to talk to Haley #1's mom. Don't know what happen there. Needless to say Haley #1 isn't allow over at Haley #2's house anymore.

You got to wonder what is going on. I sure hope it was inappropriate tv watching that gave her the idea to play that way and not someone acting inappropriate with her. I don't know what to think.

The very next day I guess there was commotion at Haley #1's house. Barb next door tells us that Haley was playing rough with her little brother (2 or 3 years old) and knocked him unconscious to the point that he actually quit breathing. She almost killed her brother! I don't know the whole story and I am sure it was an accident but poor Haley, a lot of dramatic things are happening to her lately. I wonder if this will get her mother to pay attention to her now.

I am depressed for my friends

Kathy called me at work today. She is just about down to her last penny. She has almost exhausted her retirement and maxed out her credit cards. She is running into age discrimination every where she goes. She, me, we are in a young field. Kathy is 56 and has been out of work for over 2 years now since my employer ditched her for no good reason.

Last week Lisa C called and wanted Kathy's contact info and asked if I wanted to join them for lunch. This was the reason for Kathy's call today.

Lisa C is getting Kathy involved in selling Pre-Paid Lawyers. This deal sounds similar to what Sherry was getting involved with by selling people cheap mortgages.

Both of these outfits are multi-level marketing, kind of a pyramid scheme where they get poor desparate folks to sell this scam to all of their friends. So far Kathy is out $49 but from what I have read the pressure to get more sales tools may still be coming.

Both promise that you can make bou-kou bucks doing this on your spare time. Yeah, until your friends run out.

I want so badly to help Kathy out but I know this is a scam. I can't tell Kathy (or tell Sherry when she was doing this) that this probably won't work out, I am not in their position and what do I really know anyway. Sherry gave up on her mortgage thing when she couldn't come up with the money to go to Ohio for some convention.

My other destitute friend Susie is in something kind of similar. She is going door to door selling some amazing fire extinguisher and from what I gather not doing to well.

I can not see how any of these three friends are surviving on their lack of income, none of them have husbands or someone who can help them financially. Sherry and Susie are trying to raise kids.

Sure I could buy an amazing fire extinguisher, redo my mortgage and prepay legal but I am not helping these guys as much as I want, I am helping the scammers they are falling prey to.

I am feeling pretty depressed about all three of my friends and I am sure they all think I am horrible for not helping them this way. I will give Kathy's venture a listen to but I won't go to this mysterious meeting that she wanted me to go to (and the lunch Lisa C eluded to when she was asking about kathy)

June 15, 2005


I am in some kind of funk. Maybe it is tied to my monthly, I will have to check with my calendar. At work we are slow, everyone apparently. They always say that summer is slow in creative groups but this is the first year that I have actually witnessed that. The whole creative group is in transition so maybe some of that accounts for that. Actually I am busy doing and redoing what could be a fun job but I already blew through that piddley budget. When I lowered my estimate for the client who couldn't pay what it took, I intended that for less they got less. Well they are now getting more. Project management around here especially since everyone left for PPD sucks and projects like this get out of control.

I want to raz on a co-worker but I better not in case he/she finds this out here. He/she just drives me nuts. No it isn't "Bob". There is the one that drives me nuts and the other I just can't stand. I am usually pretty outgoing so I don't know why these people are bothering me so.

I need to get the passion and excitement back for work. I am in the I don't care mode. I think I need more sleep. I will try to go to bed at least 30 minutes earlier and set the alarm clock 15 minutes later (less snooze) to see if I can sqeak out any to make a difference. Exercise is next on my list. I have officially joined the health club here at work (90 steps from my chair). And I really need to fix the eating. I am sure most of my energy issues stem from my nearly eating disorder level eating issues. Fix, fix, fix.

At home all is well but I am feeling so detached from everything right now. I don't want to do anything. The house is a sty. Last night we tried to go for a family walk only except we forgot Haley is part of the family so she tagged along on her bike nearly getting herself run over or running us over so me and RAW spent what could of been a nice walk yelling at Haley to watch out.. When we were done she said, see ya in 5 weeks. I guess the family is moving to Tennessee but will be staying at some property at the Dells until their house sells. Well the new Haley moved in on the other side a couple weeks ago so we will see how that goes as for a playmate for Hollace.

The Flickr addiction is still going strong. I need to figure out why I am seeking all this approval from stangers. I am sure everything is related. I need to find a shrink.

June 11, 2005


Every free moment I have I'm checking out Flickr. That place is so addictive. I am not the only one, there are several Flickr addict groups. It appears to be an epidemic.

I now go out and shoot for Flickr as opposed to my photoblog. I still update everyday but my heart isn't in it nor is it looking at other photoblogs. I have no time because of Flickr.

The other day I was Flickring and when I got up I noticed the tail end of what might of been a nice sunset. Now Flickr is getting in the way of actually shooting. The next night however on my way to the store I seen a glorious sky. I kept trying to go down roads to find a nice view to photograph. I finally went down the road that lead me to the lake. Perfect!

Lets see, what else is going on in my life....
Today at work was Ann's last day. i am so sorry to see her leave. The was lots of food which as usual made a pig of myself with. It turned out to be a blast from the past with 3 former co-workers making appearances.

I am trying to get in a groove with the diet and exercise thing. It is getting embarrassing scary how fat I am becoming again. I better sign that contract with myself that Bob Greene says I need to do to keep on track.

Hollace is good. This week she has been swimming lessons. She is having a blast and is getting use to putting her head underwater. We both went to the pool after work so she could show me what she has learned so far.

June 04, 2005

I got it BAD

I am a crazy Flickr/photographer addict. I can NOT help myself. My beloved fotoblog is starting to take a backseat. Flickr is so interactive, I get lots of people admiring my work and I just eat it up. Not sure what I am lacking in my life that is making me check to see every 5 minutes what stranger from where in the world loves what photo.

I posted a picture on the fotoblog and in Flickr. I got 3 comments on it on the blog (and one of those was Pam) and on Flickr the same photo got 11 comments, 9 faves and was viewed 60 times during the same time.

Last week I was turned on to squircles. I was going all around the house looking for something circular to shoot so I could crop to a square and upload to Flickr then share with a bunch of different groups there, then wait for the comments.

This week I am all out for "catchycolors". Last night I was shooting colorful things on my vivid red couch. Then went to look at everyone elses colorful things that by the time I went to bed, everytime I closed my eyes, I seen vivid colors.

Got to go, time to process some more photos that will eventually find their way to Flickr