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July 22, 2005

Haley, Haley, Haley

Haley has been around off and on this summer. They are suppose to be moving to Tennesse but are spending time at their trailer by the Wisconsin Dells. After a couple weeks she shows up.

On our agenda one day was for me and Hollace to go through all her old toys and clean out her room. I tell Haley that Hollace has to come now. Then I realize this was her last day so we change our plans and go over there so they can play one last time.

Haley mentions that I promised to throw her a party when she leaves. I didn't promise anyting but I remmeber her telling me that I should throw her a party. Anyway, we have an impromptu party. I put on the Sponge Bob soundtrack, brought out some anglefood cake and the girls had a good time dancing on some bubble wrap. I brought out balloons that kept drifting up on the roof and over the house. It was fun.

Haley was back the next day so I guess it wasn't her last day but she did dissappear.

A couple weeks later she came back and has been around, as usual, always. She said she isnt' moving.

Yesterday her mother comes over and is in a chatty mood. What I found out from her...

Yes they are definately moving. Some of her family are going to Tennesse next week to find a place to live and jobs and such. I stand corrected on Haley's mom being a teenage mom. She said she is 28 which means she was 22 when she had Haley.

She is 4 months pregnant and hiding a cigarette behind her back while she talks. She tells me she has to quit smoking now that she is pregnant but it is really easy. Uh, yeah sure

She is giving this baby to her sister who has had numerous miscarriages. She thinks her sister's problems may stem from the fact her husband is old....40 years old. I get her weight for all her pregnancies. She was going to get her tubes tied right after having Haley's little brother but I guess he stopped breating for a bit and she changed her mind. Her mom who just lost her husband wanted to keep her son but she wanted him. She will probably get them tied after this baby is born.

That was the gist of our conversation but I can sort of see now where Haley gets her gift of gab


Originally uploaded by swardraws.
Here is me and my new glasses while on vacation in Door County while waiting for RAW to get back to the honkin huge diesel dually

Catchy up

I have a lot that I have been meaning to write but haven't gotten around to it so more than likely it is lost. Lets see...

Last weekend we went camping with the camping club in Door County. It was too hot as I was reminded why we don't camp in the middle of summer (fall campers mostly). It was Christmas in July and everyone camping in the woods had all their Xmas lights a glow. We were camping where there were no trees, ug.

On Sunday we went up to one of the state parks to visit JoAnn, the main admin at work. Her family was tenting it for 2 weeks up there.

For the last week or so my left ear has been plugged up. Often i would put in ear wax softner drops in and enjoy the fizz but to no avail. It was making me cranky that it felt like I had a 5 lb brick in my ear. I finally went to the doctor on Monday and she flushed it out. Awww so nice. She said my other ear was pretty bad too but didn't' flush it out so it is drops for me. The thing is that I get no fizz on that side. Jim at work had the exact same problem this week. He bought a waterpick to flush his out.

While I was at the doctor i was going to ask her about the bump on my arm (dermatofibroma), the one that has been there for years but disturbs people cause it is so ugly. I went to a dermatologiest last year but he gave me every excuse in the book as to why I should just ignore it. Before I could mention it to this doctor she brought it up. She said while the size and shape looks ok, she thought it had an uneven coloration and she was a bit alarmed even though she was sure it was nothing. She told me to schedule something with the main doctor to get it removed. From what I read ignoring it is often recommended. Maybe i won't get it removed cause i guess these puppies are deep but maybe get it freezed flat.

Tomorrow RAW takes off for his vacation and tomorrow evening I drive Hollace half way up to her cousins for her vacation. It will just be me and Cloudy. I better get my list set on all I want to accomplish. I will probably spend too much time on Flickr as usual. Man, do i kill a lot of time over there.

Let's see, anything else? I got new glasses. Sherry was so sure that they would look so different that everyone would notice. No one noticed. Most people don't look at glasses like Sherry does.

Edited to add, just so you know that I am on Flickr too much. The title of this post should be "Catching Up". I tag quite a few of my photos on Flickr as "Catchy Colors" which is one of my groups... catchy, catchy, catchy

July 13, 2005

Flickr Test

Originally uploaded by swardraws.
Just testing Flickr's blogging ability. Here is 5 month old Jillian, Sherry's granddaughter. Ain't she cute? ;-)

July 08, 2005

4th of July

Focus, focus. I am still having problems keep focus. So in another procrastination attempt, I am blogging instead.

This past weekend was 4th of July in Crown Point. Fairly typical with both Pam and Cindy with their 4 kids each, us camping in the front yard. I found it my personal goal to get nearly 2 year old Joshua to smile. That boy trusts no one. I think most of it is the age but a lot probably has to do with his daddy being gone. Shelby was a stay at home dad that is now in Iraq. Michael on the other hand is my smily happy little guy. And talk, talk, talk. He hugged my knees when he seen me.

On Saturday I drove to Indiana alone. Hollace was already there and RAW was in Fort Wayne where he would eventually bring his mom over. I took Sarah and Will and Hollace and Emma over to Sherry's to swim in her pool. Amy had the baby over so I took a handful of photos.

The next day Hollace and I, Sherry and Andrea went to the mall. I need some new walking shoes. I bought a funky watch as well as the shoes that i will be taking back tomorrow. While in the elevator in the mall I noticed there was a mirror on the ceiling. You know I can't resist a reflection shot so I shot up. Unfortunately Hollace and Andrea already got out of the elevator and the door shut again before I could get my shot. The family waiting from where we came from was wondering if we rode the elevator for fun. Sherry and I had a good laugh --Elevator-- our daughters were embarrassed.

After that we walked around Crown Point to look at the bulldogs on display around town. I guess every town seems to be doing this these days after Chicago had their cows. Fort Wayne has elephants, Highland has ducks, Louisville has horses and Baltimore had fish. I have yet to upload my bulldog shots yet.

The next day was 4th of July. Went to the parade, had our picnic then off to the fireworks where it started raining.

Tuesday me and RAW had eye appointments with the doctor Sherry works for. They dilated our eyes so I couldn't really see the frames for new glasses after the appointment. I eventually went back and picked out something different. I should rephrase that, I didn't pick anything out, I was going by Sherry's expertise. We will see, she called today saying they are in and she is anxious to get them to me.

All the kids went to the beach but because of my dilated eyes I thought it wasn't a good idea to go alone.

That evening, I drove home alone. RAW was back in Fort Wayne taking his mom home and Hollace, with the kids at my mom's. RAW picked Hollace up on Wednesday morning as I went back to work.

I got to figure out how to focus and quit procrastinating. I have some ArtWorks website stuff to do and a freelance job that actually happened. Instead of actually doing the job I am spending the money I got from it. I just bought a Epson PictureMate portable 4x6 printer. It is too cute and it prints good too.