What a lazy ass day

Today I slept until 10 something. I was feeling run down with this cold crap moving into another phase. Today I felt thick, coughing just as much as usual, just thicker. I spent the first half of the day laying on the couch. I am not normally a couch potato. Actually laying on the couch for too long makes me nauseous if you can believe that.

Yesterday mom called. She sounded bad then we got disconnected or something. When she didn’t call right back I wondered if that was mom and she then realized her wrong number. No, she called back. I guess both she and especially dad still have it bad, the crud I got. Thanks Susie from 2 weeks ago! On Friday afternoon, Hollace came down with something. Haley was over and she came into the office where I was working and would just stare saying nothing. Finally she complains that Hollace doesn’t want to do anything. I send Haley home when I realize Hollace is sick.

Hollace had a 103 fever and was feeling tired. She took a nap on the couch. I then gave her some Advil a few hours later and she has been fine since.

Yesterday Hollace and I went shopping with some birthday money she got from Aunt Pam. On our way to Toys R Us my cell rings. It is Paula. She wanted to make sure the first week of May was when I was coming for that visit to Baltimore.

At Toys R Us, Hollace was torn between 4 things that would spend her $15. She really wanted that last Winx Club doll but they didn’t have her in stock. She also really wanted the Polly click its. Then there was a sky dancer doll that whirls in the air. Her final choice was the littlest pet shop pets. After ponder them all for awhile she went with the Pet shop which wasn’t even on her radar when we walked in.

When we got home Paula called again and this time we chatted for awhile. She just put in her order for one of those Mac minis I told her about a couple weeks before. She has been pondering getting a Mac to avoid all the viruses and crap and the announcement of the mini was perfect for her. Yea! I got my accountant sister to get a Mac.

I spent all weekend trying to figure out what to do with my hair. I am in dire need of a good haircut (as is my mom and Paula after talking to them yesterday). Should I go to the cheap walk in hair cut place where I found a good picture of what I want (when we were in there getting Hollace’s haircut) or should I wait for the fancier high cost place. With that place I have to find my own picture and I wasn’t having any luck. I kept debating if I should just go to the cheapo place right now and be done with it or just cut my bangs and deal with my hair at a later time and place. I finally found something tonight that I think will work. It is Susan Sarandon’s frumpy style before she chopped it to something funky in the Bangor Sisters movie.

Haley came over to play with Hollace today. Something must of clicked with Haley’s grama lately cause before Haley would just show up and hang out all day without grama knowing where she is. Today Haley called then put her grama on the phone to tell me that when she walks Haley over we can talk about how long she can stay. They came and I say she can stay until 5 which was 2 hours. Grama tells Haley to call at 5 and she will walk back over to pick her up. And she did but I got to wonder who was watching the 2 year old brother. Hopefully the mom was doing that and that grama doesn’t just leave him unattended.

Still feeling uninspired. I had great hopes that I was getting out of the funk. On Friday RAW calls to have me rescue him. His battery died and he needs a jump. He was checking into a Catholic school for next year and was stuck in their parking lot. I had just got my Photo Friday challenge which was “rural”. This school/church is across the street from a farm so I started snapping away. I only took a few pictures but I felt inspired and though I was getting “it” back. Oh how I long from spring. Everything is all gray and ugly. For right now anything I shoot will be turned to b&w until things start turning green again.

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