
Quick history of Haley.

Last year I was wishing Hollace had a playmate that lived nearby her age. The next day Haley showed up. And showed up and showed up. Her mother and grama don’t keep tabs on Haley and last winter she would be at our house all day with no one checking on her. Then all of a sudden they seemed to keep track of her walking her over and then back home.

Now that it is summer she is running amuck again. She is coming over numerous times during the day and won’t leave when we ask her to. We tried to take a family walk and she tagged along on her bike. We spent the entire walk telling Haley to watch out for traffic or not to run us over. It is summer and Haley’s mom isn’t doing anything to help her with boredom so she just wanders around. When Hollace isn’t home or can’t play I see Haley hanging around the teenagers at the basketball court.

Then we hear Haley may be moving to Tennessee. While Haley was quite the pest, Hollace and her played pretty good together.

Enter Haley number 2. A five year old girl named Haley moved in on the other side, a replacement Haley so to speak. She seemed to be pretty outgoing as well but her parents kept tabs on her.

Haley #1 quickly started hanging out at their house. Haley #2’s mom asked us if anyone is watching out for Haley #1.

Haley #2’s dad came over the other night. He wanted to let us know that while Haley #1 was playing with his daughter and her friend, she tried “kissing on them” and touching inappropriately. I talked to Hollace and am pretty sure nothing like that was happening when she played with Haley #1. Haley #2’s mom work in daycare and went to talk to Haley #1’s mom. Don’t know what happen there. Needless to say Haley #1 isn’t allow over at Haley #2’s house anymore.

You got to wonder what is going on. I sure hope it was inappropriate tv watching that gave her the idea to play that way and not someone acting inappropriate with her. I don’t know what to think.

The very next day I guess there was commotion at Haley #1’s house. Barb next door tells us that Haley was playing rough with her little brother (2 or 3 years old) and knocked him unconscious to the point that he actually quit breathing. She almost killed her brother! I don’t know the whole story and I am sure it was an accident but poor Haley, a lot of dramatic things are happening to her lately. I wonder if this will get her mother to pay attention to her now.

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