I am depressed for my friends

Kathy called me at work today. She is just about down to her last penny. She has almost exhausted her retirement and maxed out her credit cards. She is running into age discrimination every where she goes. She, me, we are in a young field. Kathy is 56 and has been out of work for over 2 years now since my employer ditched her for no good reason.

Last week Lisa C called and wanted Kathy’s contact info and asked if I wanted to join them for lunch. This was the reason for Kathy’s call today.

Lisa C is getting Kathy involved in selling Pre-Paid Lawyers. This deal sounds similar to what Sherry was getting involved with by selling people cheap mortgages.

Both of these outfits are multi-level marketing, kind of a pyramid scheme where they get poor desparate folks to sell this scam to all of their friends. So far Kathy is out $49 but from what I have read the pressure to get more sales tools may still be coming.

Both promise that you can make bou-kou bucks doing this on your spare time. Yeah, until your friends run out.

I want so badly to help Kathy out but I know this is a scam. I can’t tell Kathy (or tell Sherry when she was doing this) that this probably won’t work out, I am not in their position and what do I really know anyway. Sherry gave up on her mortgage thing when she couldn’t come up with the money to go to Ohio for some convention.

My other destitute friend Susie is in something kind of similar. She is going door to door selling some amazing fire extinguisher and from what I gather not doing to well.

I can not see how any of these three friends are surviving on their lack of income, none of them have husbands or someone who can help them financially. Sherry and Susie are trying to raise kids.

Sure I could buy an amazing fire extinguisher, redo my mortgage and prepay legal but I am not helping these guys as much as I want, I am helping the scammers they are falling prey to.

I am feeling pretty depressed about all three of my friends and I am sure they all think I am horrible for not helping them this way. I will give Kathy’s venture a listen to but I won’t go to this mysterious meeting that she wanted me to go to (and the lunch Lisa C eluded to when she was asking about kathy)

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