This Week…

This week went fast but it was a killer.

I woke up Monday in a near panic and I couldn’t figure out why. At one point lying there in bed I started worrying about whether or not the pumpkin seeds I roasted Sunday night were going to be good. It was really odd, it went down as more than just normal Monday dread but anxiety. Wednesday I thought I seen the first signs of my period and then got relieved that Monday’s anxiety was PMS related. But when I looked at my calendar and seen that AF wasn’t due for over a week my heart sunk and I thought if this anxiety thing was going to be part of my life. I then realized shortly after that my calendar calculations were wrong and AF came on Thursday.

It was Halloween, the weather isn’t too cold and the rain holds out. I take Hollace around the first half of the neighborhood where we run into Haley and her family. They were heading back since they had little ones so Haley asks to come with us. That girl knows everyone. I think RAW was pissed we took so long. the girls emptied their heavy bags and went out with him for more.

Tuesday I decided to work at home. It was either that or call in sick for a mental health day. I have yet to figure out how to call in sick when not obviously sick and explain it to Hollace who will wonder if she can have sick days like that too.

I had this intense little job that needed my undivided attention. It didn’t go well and in the end I worked 12 hours Tuesday messing with this job. I was near panic again. At 5:00 I called “Bob” and told him I am going to need his help on Wednesday (when a sample for this job is due), that I am over my head. That was me calling Uncle. Shortly later I approached the job in a different direction and now I am going to be fine. Didn’t need Bob’s help after all.

Wednesday I am dreading because now I got to deliver on my goods. It goes ok but I cancel lunch with Mia that I was looking forward to. On the home front RAW tells me that Hollace had a melt down in gym and was sent to the principal.

Thursday is the day to catch up on the little jobs. Ted P calls me and asks if I can do some video graphics. Pretty much put some headlines in Photoshop. I say sure. That ended up being the wrong answer. I stayed until 5:30 that night (4:00 is normal quitting time for me). The client kept piling up the things we needed done by the next morning. I finally went to Corey for help and Mike and Larry in GDS stayed even later and came in early to get through the pile. I then spent most of Friday redoing most of it. Not the guys fault, but the clients fault.

Sherry calls and tells me that Amy’s baby gets christen on Saturday and invites me. Not going, had no good excuse. We talk for a while while Hollace is trying to do her homework. They are working on substraction and I get what she has to do next wrong (apparently) because I am talking to Sherry.

The weather has been lovely and the shit hadn’t hit the fan yet on Friday so I decided to grab a sandwich and head to the forrest preserves for lunch. It was nice and I got some cool photos of the playground there. I came back and they were waiting for me to redo the clippings. My afternoon sucked.

I had to leave on time on Friday (and they needed that video done by then anyway) to pick Hollace up in afterschool care because RAW headed out to Indiana this morning.

When we got back some girl in the park was excited that Hollace was home and kept chanting her name. It was getting dark and I couldn’t see who it was but I knew it wasn’t Haley since this kid was taller. I let Hollace go over there to play for a bit as I watched them play vampires running around having fun.

Sitting in the door on an odd scrap of paper is a note that says that there is a birthday party at Haley’s house at 5:00. It was 5:00 and I definately didn’t want to send Hollace over there right now so I ignored the invite. It wasn’t Haley’s birthday I know.

By 9:00 I am crashing and burning. Hollace is fired up and I nearly fall asleep trying to get her ready for bed. She went to bed and I crash on the couch for the next 2 hours. I stumble in here, update my photoblog, write my story down and now I am going to bed. This isn’t typical of me on a Friday night. I usually cherish the late night hours when I don’t have to get up early the next morning. My week just took it out on me.

This weekends plans are to hang out here and clean out the drawers in my continuation of moving out the clutter. I am in a major homebody mode where I don’t want to go anywhere on the weekends.

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