
Tuesday was open house at school. Hollace’s teacher seemed alright. She tells us that Hollace had a melt down that day. I guess Hollace was sharing with the class the two kiwi postcards she got from Sandie in New Zealand and according to the teacher Hollace just bursted into tears and went to the back of the room claiming that no one was paying attention. Nothing the teacher could do would get her back up there. The teacher said it was a good class and that everyone was paying attention. I asked Hollace later and the teacher didn’t have it right. I think the class paid attention too well and Hollace freaked out with stage freight all of a sudden and forgot everything she wanted to say. Poor thing.

After we left the class room we walked to the social workers room and waited forever so we could talk to her about some of Hollace’s imaginary friend issues and help her deal with real people. Come to find out the social worker lives two doors down from us in Haley’s old house. Once Haley moved, the imaginary friends really came out. I found it ironic that is where she lives now. We will see if she can help Hollace or not.

This week we had to go in and get Hollace her chicken pox vaccine. We were really trying to resist this and flew under the radar for a long time but finally we were caught and had to get it. I am really against this vaccine as unnecessary but my convictions weren’t so strong that I found it was something worth to fight for. All I knew was that I was getting Hollace scheduled with a different doctor in that practice so I wouldn’t have Dr. Sharon leering at me.

Hollace lately has been into doing these comic book type stories. She has 12 of them now and they are all kiwi stories. They are very detailed stories of varying topics. They started with the kiwi for president story. She puts in speak bubles but for the most part the story comes from her. I video taped her telling these stories last week. I just need to edit them now.

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