
We are getting to that time of the year where nice warm weekends are numbered and we have lots to try and do with them. This weekend we were suppose to go camping. All week they said, rainy weather was coming. Sue, who we were suppose to go camping with already bailed on us based on those forecasts. We were still trying to hold out.

The forecast for Friday night is heavy and severe storms and Saturday is a wash out. Yep, we finally admit defeat and stay home. I call Cindy to see what is going on in Sheboygan, maybe we can cross a visit to them off for this weekend. Pam, Shelby and Tim were all heading down to Kentucky to finish up the final stuff before they close on the house. Cindy was gong to be home alone with all 9 kids.

Around 6, it gets dark and thundery. Then it clears up with no rain, the sun comes out and it is now a clear night. Elsewhere in the Chicago area wasn’t so lucky. They had bad storms with tornado warnings though none touched down. The sirens in downtown Chicago went off which is rare.

But back to our neck of the woods. The weather is now perfect for camping. The forecast for tomorrow is now a chance of thunderstorms but not as heavy as tonight for late in the afternoon. No wash out like they kept saying and chances are we wouldn’t get the thunderstorms either. If we did, we could always just drive the 12 miles back home to weather it out.

I am never going to hear the end of it from RAW, that we should of just went camping.

Still don’t know what we are going to do this weekend.

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