
I cant have enough lists (oh btw, excuse the fact that I cant make aposthrophies-or spell it- and quotes. Apparently my keyboard has lost its ability. I have been looking for an excuse to get a new keyboard, so there you have it.)

Anyway I now have a system to manage all my lists. Well no I guess I dont have a system, I just try to keep them together in a folder and take that with me so I can put new lists in there. It still remains to be seen on whether I ever refer back to these lists.

What are these lists you ask? They are ideas for photo projects or other creative projects, ideas of what I want to do with the house but mostly it is to do lists. I find if I write it down in a list, I can get it out of my head so it doesnt clutter things up. With the amount of lists I generate you would think I shouldnt have anything left in my head by now. Hey! Stop that.

Jon at work has been bringing me in new music to listen to. He first brought me The Arcade Fire and Peter Bjorn and John. Both of those are all right, nothing too exciting. The third day he brough in some Lily Allen and after the 3rd song I deemed it my favorite album and have only listened to it ever since. Seriously I listened to it all day today and I am listening to it right now, I cant get enough of it. I love it.

For Easter RAW bought me an iPenguin. It is the cutest thing on earth and I cant help but smile when I watch it dance to the Lily stuff.

This weekend is the first weekend in 3 weeks that we are staying home and you cant know how excited that makes me. I am so out of touch with the house and I am having a major spring cleaning thing going. No so much cleaning but getting rid of all the crap. Today I got rid of make up I have been hanging onto for 15 years. I dont wear makeup, what am I holding onto it for? Next I go through the dresser and get rid of the the clothes.

I cant wait until we go through Hollaces room tomorrow. What a disaster!

Today Hollace had a Girls Scout sport and dance thing. I was afraid that was going to be a disaster since she hates that kind of stuff but I guess she survived with only one melt down when she lost her balloon. It is interesting when ever she gets together with her troop, all the girls come running to her saying “kiwi girl is here!” (btw, I am using the quote button on the laptop keyboard since the main keyboard is broke) and do a group hug on her. Hollace just stands there definitely not hugging back with an odd look on her face just waiting it to pass. She doesnt get the hug thing at all. Of course at home she is all about hugging.

I wish Dorothy would hurry up and buy a new car. It is starting to drive me nuts and before RAW has a heart attack . That is all he can talk about, how frustrated he is. Every time he gets on the phone with her about it he starts yelling. She is now open to a shifter on the floor, something she previous was dead set against. It was sounding like she was going to get a PT Cruiser but she tells me tonight that she found her car today and will buy it on Monday, it is a Shivee. I am thinking Chevy? But I guess she was looking at Jeeps today so who the hell knows what she will end up with.

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