This week found me….

driving in the middle of an April snow storm.

I am a winter weather weenie. When the forecast calls for snow, I arrange to work at home. I am much more productive when I am not worrying about driving home. Still I fret about working from home. I know the boss doesnt really like it but expects it from me. I am afraid I will get resentment from my co-workers who braved the elements to get to work while I don’t. Also sometimes there are a few things that I need to be in the office to take care of and I am always afraid that will be the time and someone will be pissed and revoke my snow day work arrangements.

Wednesday they called for 5″ of snow. I am prepared. Yet I felt espeically brave and decided to go into work even though I know it will be worse later in the day. It really was a recipe for a work at home day but I ignored it.

The drive in isnt too bad. We had a couple inches at this time. My co-workers who come in an hour after me report that it was bad for them but mainly because of the wind knocking out traffic lights and just the increase of cars on the road and not so much because the snow got worse.

I was swampped at work, especially that day. It was a job for the big boss so I couldnt screw up or chance working at home when they really needed face time with me.

It looked like a blizzard out there, just nasty nasty non-April like weather.

Around 1:00 I couldnt take it anymore, I had to go home. With the project I was working on, I was looking at putting some overtime hours and I would rather be in the safety of my own home for any overtime anyway.

So I email the boss and co-workers and leave.

The roads are horrible. My anti-lock breaks sure got a workout. Because of the wind, the snow was horizontal and covered all the traffic lights. I couldnt tell if the light was red or green. Because I left when I did, there wasnt much traffic thankfully because at one of those intersections I couldnt tell if it was red or green, even thought I slowed to a crawl, I couldnt stop the car once I realized that light was red. I did manage to stop a hair before it was too late. I swear I had that brake petal through the floor.

There was one multi car pile up going the other direction but I did eventually get home. It took me an hour when a normal commute during that time is under 30 minutes.

RAW mentions he thinks we had 2″ of snow but I nearly bit his head off. That was no 2″ of snow. When all and said was done, it was more like 5″ but it was hard to tell because of the blowing and the melting.

At around 5:00 I notice all the roads are now clear! It warmed up enough that if I would of stayed at work until my normal time, the roads would of been fine. I apparently drove home at the worst possible time. Just my freaking luck. Next time remind me again that I am a winter weather weanie, please.

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