
May 7th was the first payment for the new camper (which btw, we took on a dry run and ran it dry. RAW thinks he might of burned out the water heater). On that day I realized that I didn’t set up auto withdrawl for the payments so I scrambled to make a payment. Then a few days later I noticed that it was already set so my first payment was really two payments. What a bonehead.

Money should be flying out left and right for awhile around here. I have to get new tires for the Subaru next week. I got 70k miles on 80k tires. I hope to keep the car for another 2 years and I average 16k a year on it so I better get the tires now so I can enjoy them now.

Oh, oh, oh. RAW sold the 20 year old 5th Avenue yesterday. There is this lady we always see walking her dog who never smiles or says hi, she seen it parked in our yard where RAW put it to sell the day before. Her 17 year old son is driving her new cool car so she bought it for him. Won’t he be in for a shock. She seemed pretty friendly while buying the car, she almost didn’t seem like the same woman walking the dog.

Tomorrow I am going to buy those darn drapes for the big bay window. I don’t know what I am getting but I am getting it anyway. God, that window is so ugly the way it is. And besides I got to get that taken care of before I go any make new curtains for the camper like I need to. This window is priority and I can’t let the camper curtains trump it.

Also this weekend I have to buy a cordless drill, ceiling fan for the bedroom, stepping stones for the side yard and register Hollace for summer camp if it isn’t too late. I keep forgetting.

This month is a 3 paycheck month which would of came in handy with all these little expenses but what comes with an extra paycheck, comes the property taxes and car insurance.

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