will it stick?

In my life I haven’t gone on too many serious or real diets even though I desparately needed to. The 2 times in the past I did I did lose weight. The first time I lost 90 lbs. then the next 10 years I slowly gained it all back. A few years ago I joined WW and lost 23 lbs. I did their points but gave up after I got tired of the people in the meetings, they really just cared about finding fake food substitutes to keep their points down so they can drink more beer.

The rest of the time I gain, and gain, and gain with no real attempt at a “diet”. I try to eat right, I know what I need to do but then I forget or something and gorge out or something. Seriously pathetic.

Earlier this year I had a physical where my health numbers were up. The cholesterol was ok but the blood pressure was up as well as my sugar. First time up and the doctor was ready to call me pre-diabetic. She wanted me to come back in in 3 months for a follow up.

So on May 2 I went in and was shocked to learn I gained 9 lbs in 3 months! Fortunately the sugar number that labeled me as pre-diabetic was down so I was off the hook for the meds she was going to prescribe.

When I got home I downloaded an app on my iPhone called myfitnesspal and got serious. I set my goal to lose 2 lbs a week and started tracking everything I put in my mouth.

I found out that as long as I stopped the mindless eating, what I would typically eat in a day was pretty close to what I should be eating calorie wise.

I am now 3 weeks into the program and I have lost…wait for it…11.2 lbs! Only a 111 lbs to go but if I can keep up the control I seem to have with this app and I keep losing, I can so do this. I also know it will get harder as I have to lower my calorie goal as I get lighter but lets take baby steps and be happy for my progress so far.


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