Top of Mind

It is time to put the healthy eating plan top of mind again. I am starting to do too much unaware snacking and getting no where with trying to lose 100 lbs. I am pretty much stuck with 33 lbs down.

While driving home after dinner at mom and dad’s for Easter (btw, happy Easter) I thought maybe a nightly entry in a diet blog would put it in my head before going to sleep and set me back on the right track. Maybe, its a trick I haven’t tried yet. I then spend the next few minutes wondering if I should start a new blog for that or just write in this one. Whatever, just do it.

I bought an old fashion note book for writing mostly food plans and thoughts but it still sits empty. Not sure what I was envisioning there. I think typing my eating thoughts out in a blog might work better so lets count this as my first entry. I will transfer it to the new blog if I go that route.

As I mentioned before, it is Easter and there is some Easter chocolate lying around. Not too much but some. I really need to ignore it and concentrate on how crappy I feel when I eat sweets like the large peanut butter chocolate rice crispy square I bought and ate on Friday when Hollace and I went to Chicago back to my old neighborhood. I started by just eating a bite every few miles driving home. Immediately after eating the bite I would have an overwhelming urge to eat another but I didn’t since I was going 60 mph and had already put it back in the bag. It was once I got home that I finished that sucker off and felt like crap for doing so—ug. Really really not good. I wondered at that point if I am diabetic or something with the way I felt.

Today at mom’s I kept grabbing at the brownies and the bowl of little Krackle bars. For dinner I ate baked beans, sweet potatoes and potato casserole. Seriously I got to cold turkey the sugar crap.

I am reading a book on food chemistry designed to scare me into eating healthy. It works a bit and I am now on the hunt for coconut oil but it is the non aware eating I need to get in the forefront and put a halt on. I wonder if the chocolate covered strawberries sitting in the fridge will still be there when RAW gets home?

I was listening to a RadioLab podcast the other day that turned on a light bulb for me. The theme was Help and there was a story about a woman who gave up smoking by making the promise that she would donate $5000 to the KKK if she smoked again. Why this worked for her was that the mind will always go for the short term reward (of the cigarette) over the reward way off in the future (of health). My making the threat of a KKK donation it was making a consequence more immediate as opposed to waiting years for cancer if she doesn’t stop. I now have to come up with something in my quest to kick the sugar. Maybe I can work that out here in my nightly writings.

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