This week

What an eventful week it was for the country. It started on Monday with the bombing at the Boston Marathon, killing 3 and injuring over an hundred other, many with lost limbs. Horrible and tragic.

By Wednesday in my friend Tonya’s small town in Texas–West, Texas–a fertilizer factory exploding flattening a quarter of the town. They are still counting their dead, so far 15 have been confirmed, most of them first responders. Over a hundred have been hurt there.

Also on Wednesday the rains began in the Chicago area. Two full days of torrential rain fall (up to 9 inches in some areas, our rain gauge says 3″) took its toll with massive flooding. They kept showing Fox Lake on the news that mom finally called and asked if we were under water. Nope, not too bad here.

On Thursday evening, the FBI released pictures of Monday’s Boston bombing suspects. By Friday morning we awoke with major developments in the case that suspect 1 was dead, like in swiss cheese, in a dramatic shootout over night. Suspect #2 was on the run. It sounds like something out of a Hollywood movie.

Friday, the whole city of Boston was on lock down and no sign of the bad dude. By Friday evening, more gun fire as a badly injured 19 year old hiding in a backyard boat is found. By 8pm (my timezone) he is taken in custody alive but in bad shape. It should be interesting to hear the details once they come out.

The Boston story so totally overshadowed the Texas one. Both stories very tragic (my thoughts going out to everyone touched by either one). The news media was besides its self with all this “good material” that they were tripping over themselves.

As you can see it was a very eventful week. I guess because of it, the week flew by so fast I was caught off guard that it is now the weekend.

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