it is falling apart

I don’t think I even came here to take note on my day, did I? Well I am here tonight and I am a bit out of control. I was doing ok until I ate the Zone bar after lunch for no real good reason. I think I have a major sweet tooth moving in. I ate that Zone bar and knew that meant I would have 500 calories left for dinner.

Driving home I ran into traffic and realized it has been awhile since I had any Chilpolte. I knew my regular 3 taco thing is about 700 calories so I decide maybe tomorrow. But with the traffic it made sense to go into the turn lane by the Chilpolte. No biggie, I will go tomorrow. Then I realized a train must of just came through because the traffic going South where I just turned was worse so on some kind of mindless auto pilot I turned into Chilpolte to get my tacos and seek a bit of respit from the traffic, surely it would clear by the time I got out. It was.

I decided to try the Barbacosa taco as one of my three. I got it home and decided early on that I didn’t really like it especially compared to my chicken ones. I ate it anyway! I could of saved 233 calories. I then went into “I blew it” mentality and proceeded to find crap to eat. I came this {} close to making a chocolate pie! I accidentally bought some instant pudding instead of the cooked kind I prefer. I finally stepped off that ledge and went onto to find other sweets deciding to save the pie until RAW was home to help me eat it since I would of ate the whole dang thing. I probably would of made it a point to eat the whole thing before RAW seen any evidence of it, you know food hiding–that’s messed up.

I then ate another little chocolate bar and then finished off the chocolate eggs from Easter. I also cracked open some pecans. I didn’t capture any of it on MFP. tsk tsk tsk

Tomorrow is Saturday where I will have to make a conscious effort to go sugar free. I don’t at least have to worry about getting that Chilpolte.

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chinese food

Today was our 20th wedding anniversary. We went out on two dates while the kid was away on her class trip so there was no big plans to celebrate today. On my way home today I quickly thought what I should do or bring home. Cake? Cookie? Some kind of sweet treat? No! No one here needs that, I would have to come up with something that isn’t food related. I figured just going home will be enough, maybe give him a back rub later–he has been under lots of stress dealing with his mom. Now the new cell phone we just got in January after the nursing home staff washed it is broke.

He called a couple times today asking what he should make for our anniversary dinner. I had no idea. When I got home it occurred to me that we should pick up Chinese, we hadn’t done that in a long time.

We ordered, picked up to eat here. Too much food. We both had a pint of fried rice. I ordered one egg roll, he two. He also ordered some veggie thing that came with white rice and I ordered egg drop soup to share. I ate much more of my fried rice then I should of. I really need to concentrate on portion control. I am sure I totally underestimated my intake on MFP.

What should be my goal for tomorrow? Quit the veggie chip snacking? Portion control? Just eat light?


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today’s accountability

It is time for bed so I will keep this brief. I came under my calorie count today but I am suspecting that was because I forgot to log something. When I was way off by the end of today, instead of grabbing something healthy I grabbed a frozen cheesecake on a stick for 180 calories.

Chips and mindless snacking is still a problem. Tomorrow I vow to have none and be a good girl.

More at another time.

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today’s accounting

I think I started good today. I had my toast like usual and ignored the chocolate eggs. I was off today so the temptation was always there. I didn’t want them, I was good.

Normally on days off at home I don’t eat “lunch” but today I did mainly because I really wanted those chicken bbq nachos that I make. I specifically counted the chips to what constitutes to two servings and sat at the table and concentrated on eating them. They were delicious.

It was a couple hours after that that I derailed a bit. I ate some cheese and turkey salami, a hard boiled egg and some veggie chips (yeah who are they fooling, one serving of vegetables  in an oz). I remembered the chocolate covered strawberries and the chocolate eggs were now appealing.

For dinner we just had roasted asparagus but knowing this I immediately finished off the box of strawberry yogurt Cheerios. I accounted for all of this but then finished the night helping Hollace finish her chocolate bunny.

Tomorrow I go back to work, I will be extra diligent avoiding the eggs especially knowing how derailing they are.

It is much easier staying on track on work days because I am in control there and I also get in a walk. I ignored the treadmill. I did go to the grocery store and got in a fewer more steps then I normally would on a day off.


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General update

This is the first Easter in probably 10 years we didn’t go to Fort Wayne which means we were home to see the little Easter egg hunt that takes place across the street. So cute that our little neighborhood still does that.

We were suppose to go to Indiana, that was the plan but Dorothy is still messed up with her meds. They have her on something to thin her blood as they believe she is a stroke risk. She gets tested once or twice a week to see if the meds are working but they aren’t detecting any so RAW headed down on Friday and will be staying until Monday so he can talk to the doctor and try again to get the meds set up for her. Maybe assisted care is what she needs? He is going to try and get a daily nurse visit set up to watch her at least take one set of pills.

On the home front we are trying to remodel the bathroom. Got it painted what I thought was some kind of teal but it is more blue. We all like it better. I then went on a hunt for just a perfect color of towel. I spend way too much time online on this kind of shit. I finally found a soft yellow color I like even though it is called Sarhara and looked tan online and they were the most expensive of all the towels I seen.

On Friday Hollace and I went to my old stomping grounds in Chicago to see a movie that wasn’t playing anywhere else, a new Ghilibi movie From Up on Poppy Hill. It was good, we liked it.

Did I mention Hollace’s 8th grade trip to Washington DC yet? Probably, I will have to go check.

On Wednesday it is RAW and mine’s 20th anniversary. I suppose we should do something to celebrate. We went out to dinner twice while Hollace was on her trip but I suppose we should do something more. Next weekend Sherry and I are having a girls weekend in Milwaukee. RAW will have to probably do some shifty schedule shifting to get back to his mom before the weekend since someone has to stay with the kid.

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Unsettling work

On Wednesday the boss called me to his office. While walking there I thought his request sounded a bit ominous and it was. There was a call to cut staff in the corporate departments and CN was losing 25% of our small group (remember we already lost 2/3 that went over to the new company. We were still trying to get use to our smaller group when we lost our only two account managers and our streaming guy. The streaming guy was counting the days to retirement and figures he was a no brainer. But our account managers Kat and Shari? That was really shocking and unsettling.

I was scheduled to be off for Spring Break on Thursday and Friday but was debating turning that Thursday into Monday instead. After the announcement that was a no brainer since we were having a short CN all employee meeting to talk about what just happened.

Nobody really nows what is happening but we think that is all at least for now. I am banking on my safety as being a worker bee and the only one who knows how to do multimedia.


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Top of Mind

It is time to put the healthy eating plan top of mind again. I am starting to do too much unaware snacking and getting no where with trying to lose 100 lbs. I am pretty much stuck with 33 lbs down.

While driving home after dinner at mom and dad’s for Easter (btw, happy Easter) I thought maybe a nightly entry in a diet blog would put it in my head before going to sleep and set me back on the right track. Maybe, its a trick I haven’t tried yet. I then spend the next few minutes wondering if I should start a new blog for that or just write in this one. Whatever, just do it.

I bought an old fashion note book for writing mostly food plans and thoughts but it still sits empty. Not sure what I was envisioning there. I think typing my eating thoughts out in a blog might work better so lets count this as my first entry. I will transfer it to the new blog if I go that route.

As I mentioned before, it is Easter and there is some Easter chocolate lying around. Not too much but some. I really need to ignore it and concentrate on how crappy I feel when I eat sweets like the large peanut butter chocolate rice crispy square I bought and ate on Friday when Hollace and I went to Chicago back to my old neighborhood. I started by just eating a bite every few miles driving home. Immediately after eating the bite I would have an overwhelming urge to eat another but I didn’t since I was going 60 mph and had already put it back in the bag. It was once I got home that I finished that sucker off and felt like crap for doing so—ug. Really really not good. I wondered at that point if I am diabetic or something with the way I felt.

Today at mom’s I kept grabbing at the brownies and the bowl of little Krackle bars. For dinner I ate baked beans, sweet potatoes and potato casserole. Seriously I got to cold turkey the sugar crap.

I am reading a book on food chemistry designed to scare me into eating healthy. It works a bit and I am now on the hunt for coconut oil but it is the non aware eating I need to get in the forefront and put a halt on. I wonder if the chocolate covered strawberries sitting in the fridge will still be there when RAW gets home?

I was listening to a RadioLab podcast the other day that turned on a light bulb for me. The theme was Help and there was a story about a woman who gave up smoking by making the promise that she would donate $5000 to the KKK if she smoked again. Why this worked for her was that the mind will always go for the short term reward (of the cigarette) over the reward way off in the future (of health). My making the threat of a KKK donation it was making a consequence more immediate as opposed to waiting years for cancer if she doesn’t stop. I now have to come up with something in my quest to kick the sugar. Maybe I can work that out here in my nightly writings.

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Oh no, not again. There were a couple things on my list that I actually did but yet I still feel like I failed the weekend. I spend some good time working on 3D. I framed the last few pictures in my new collage–check. I wrote a little on getting my diet under control and a little meal planning. Yet it is now Sunday night and I feel ug. It is probably because it is Sunday night. Enough said.

I am only in the office three days next week. It is spring break. Hollace got back on Friday real late from her three day 8th grade trip to Washington DC. I think she had fun with a little independence though she was cold and bored. The highlight of her trip was apparently the hat she bought. Her best friend Lilly was on the trip so I am sure it made all better even if they couldn’t sit together on the bus and plane (aww, baby’s first plane ride) because Lilly is a B and Hollace is a W.

While she was gone I went to update the iPad and couldn’t because I ran out of room. I immediately texted Sherry and asked her if she wanted to buy my iPad which of course she said yes (we just got off the phone a few minutes before where she was wondering how to spend her tax return). I promptly went to and bought a 64 gig iPad4. It was pretty much exactly 2 years since I bought this one. I got it and set it up before Hollace got home. I have loaded up all the movies/videos I want on the thing and still have 10 gigs to spare. I feel kind of frivilous.

On Thursday RAW and I went on a date. He suggested a cute little restaurant in Fox Lake. It was nice. On Friday I took him on a date on a standard middle class suburban one of a place like Red Lobster and to see a movie. Only a Friday before Easter at 5:30 means a 40 minute wait and our movie (Silver Lining Playbook) was at 7:05 so we ended up at Bakers Square for a totally mediocre meal. I ordered a chicken potpie which I found out later was 1800 calories!

The only reason for this post is to sync up my keyboard on the new iPad and test it out. It works.

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My typical weekend struggle with time

Hmm, I don’t know if that title just sucked the life out of me or that I really didn’t have anything to say here. Still left on my weekend list is write out a weekly meal plan and to transfer my 3D notes to a new notebook. I also wanted to work on my two 3D projects but when I went to my computer it said, ha ha, you have a fatal error. Reformat and restore. This is the second or actually the third time this has happened. Why does that happen?
Today Hollace and I went to Menards to buy paint for the bathroom that RAW will paint this week. It is about time we started actually working on some of these projects instead of just think about it. Next up will be Hollace’s bedroom. We picked colors for her today.
RAW is in Fort Wayne as he usually is for most of the weekends of 2013. Dorothy’s is doing good in her little studio senior apartment. I think she likes the simplicity of the size and the socialization of the neighbors. She hardly misses that she doesn’t have her car back yet.
A couple weeks ago we went to the High School to register for classes. Yep little Hollace is getting ready for HS! At the end of this month she is signed up to go on the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. How exciting for her who complains that nothing interesting ever happens. She will be taking her first plane ride.
I think it is time for me to get back to some of those to dos and maybe a little walk on the treadmill.

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Just got back

Went to Fort Wayne to move Dorothy into her new studio apartment. It is small but she likes it–it seems like just the thing she needs and wants in her quest for a simple life. She barely brought anything over from the house. We bought her a new TV and hung some pictures and put together a bakers rack that she can use for a little counter space of which she had none.

Another nice thing with the timing of our trip to Fort Wayne was that I could see the documentary 56 Up. It is only playing at a handful of places around the country and it seemed unlikely I would make it to Chicago’s Music Box theater (my old neighborhood) so when I seen it was opening in Fort Wayne this weekend I was excited.

Every seven years since 1964 they interviewed 14 British kids first when they were seven. They are now 56, the same age as RAW. I watched, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and 49 all on NetFlix with in 2 weeks so I was anxious to see 56.

Right now RAW, Hollace and my age is divisible of 7 so watching 14, 49 and 56 was interesting in a kind of comparison way and with RAW being 56, I would imagine he being the same age as each of those people at the same time.

Now that I am all caught up, I now have to wait 7 years to see the next one along with the rest of the world. Very cool series.

Tomorrow I have off. I didn’t recall scheduling it but I guess I did and it is good thing too. Hollace is off too (President’s Day) and it is always nice to be off on Monday after a weekend away. I will watch my CBS Sunday Morning tomorrow which by the way is how I found out about the 7 Up series.

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