Testing, testing…is this thing on?

I know it hasn’t been that long since I last posted so I am pretty sure I’m still out there even though no one reads.

I just took the Apple bluetooth keyboard out of the closet and put on my analog desk (totally aside the point of an analog desk but oh well). Anyway I felt like typing with it so here I am.

It is time for Dorothy’s annual get sick, go in a nursing home to get better and kill a cell phone. She is actually three weeks early. This year she didn’t get as sick so she didn’t get that four day stay in the hospital which then complicated things as far as medicaid and the nursing home. She had absolutely no energy. Over Christmas she alluded to me that she was winding down. She turns 90 in June.

Last year we got her a new cell phone after her old one took a bath. RAW just called and said they found her cell phone after the nurses took her sweaters–yep in her pocket after washing them.

Another apparently annual thing that goes in this cluster that I just realized while typing this is a death of a member of MY family. Last year my grama died at the age of 92.98 (2 days before her birthday). My mother called yesterday to tell me my cousin Tom died. He was 46 and in poor health mainly because of uncontrolled diabetes. He had no money or insurance (and no leg) but it was pneumonia that got him. I guess he was in the hospital for it but once they found out he had no medicaid or is it medicare (I can’t remember which is which, one is for old people and the other for poor people) they discovered he was ok and can go home. I don’t know how much time passed but he got worse and by the time his friends brought him back his lungs were totally filled up and his blood sugar was 500+! They knew he wouldn’t make it and he didn’t.

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Creative Projects and Time

Every weekend I my goal was to spend some quality time at my analog desk doodling and coming up with creative ideas. Lately I have doing this but the problem was that I had doodled ideas everywhere with no real hope or discipline to do them let alone finish up my existing projects.

Yesterday after one of those doodle sessions it occured to me how to handle my time and what to concentrate on. I immediately put it in practice and now feel like I can finally deal with time like I have been wanting to for a long time.

I broke it down to three main blocks of time. 30 minutes daily for learning the ukelele, 30 minutes of time on my Cinema 4D projects (this can go longer but I have at least to do 30 minutes). And 30 minutes for the treadmill while watching the endless amount of lynda.com tutorial videos. I am especially excited about this one because it kills two birds with one stone with two important things I need and have to do. 30 minutes on the treadmill alone has me watching the clock with time dragging and any time with lynda.com, even though I am interested, I fight sleep. I can’t very well sleep on the treadmill can I? Sure I can’t follow along with the tutorials while walking but I can soak in the info and it really makes the time go fast on the treadmill. Both days I have done this 45 minutes flew by and I am finally grasping ActionScript 3–win win.

Now every night with the exception of maybe Tuesdays since we are gone all night with Hollace’s lessons I plan on doing these three things. The rest of the time I can waste on FaceBook or Words with Friends if I want without any guilt.

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The Holidays 2012

Just popping in here quickly to give a recap on the holidays. So far the winter’s weather has been very mild with hardly any snow. This made traveling to see family easy. Christmas was on a Tuesday this year and I had the rest of the week off. That said we decided to go on our Indiana trip the weekend before Christmas. We got back on Christmas Eve.

This year’s theme for Hollace was old stuff like music boxes, monacles and a gavel. Her big gift was a new cell phone, one that has a longer battery life then 2 hours and easier to text on.

For RAW I decided it was time to get another bike so we can both go bike riding when spring comes as oppose to take turns. I bought a small model of a bike and wrapped it with a catalog so he can pick up something.

For me I got some “odd” odd and ends, ones that I flagged in a catalog of goofy stuff. For myself I bought a pocket projector and screen for backyard and camping movie night.

From some Xmas money I bought a new purse, an expensive one as far as I am concerned but I hated the fakey crap feel of my latest purse. I bought a Fossil. I spent a lot of time contemplating which purse and where to get the best deal. Shelby got Pam a Fossil and saved money by using credit card reward points for a Macy’s gift card. That was a splendid idea and could get a $100 card myself only Macy’s didn’t have any of the purses I wanted in stock. I could of ordered online but was afraid if I returned it it would go back on a gift card that I would never use since I don’t really shop there. I eventually went to the Fossil outlet and saved about $50.

I am in love with my new purse LOL. Since I did all that online research every page I go to shows banner ads of it that I still click on to fawn over it even though it sits in the other room. I know pathetic. The only problem I have with the purse is the strap is way too short to be usable but I was able to find a custom leather purse site online so I await that. Also Fossil said they might be able to send me a longer one complimentary.

Work has been crazy in a bizzarre way. Because I was out over Christmas week that meant I was only in on the 31st. The last day before the company split into two. I had five websites that I needed to make sure went live on January 1. I did and all is well. Three of those sites now sit with my former co-workers since I don’t work for the company that now owns them.

On December 31, when I was getting ready for work after being off for a week, the red string bracelet I have been wearing the last couple months just fell off onto the floor. What made that odd was that after I got to work I realized my Fitbit also fell off but to where I had no idea.

The night before, I finally justified getting the new Fitbit and giving RAW the old one for a little step by step competition but now it was gone so I went ahead and ordered a new one.

On January 2nd I found the old one in the parking lot about half an inch from being crushed by a tire but dead still the same. Later that day I was to get my new one.

The new one sits in a silicone sleeve and really hangs on, there is no way it could fall off like the old one did which is why I was surprised on January 4 I started the day the same way with the now fixed red string bracelet falling off again. I thought to myself, now what the Fitbit is going to fall off again? And I swear to god at that moment the Fitbit fell off my waistband to the floor. I just stared at it in disbelief, really, seriously? I had just put it on less then a minute before and thought in combination with those pants it will never budge. How the hell did it work itself off in less then a minute.

Later that morning my BooJee beaded lanyard fell off too! I had that thing for exactly 2 years and was left wondering what kind of omen that was.

Oh, back to the holidays. The weekend after Christmas we headed up to Wisconsin for a visit with Cindy and Pam (and Sherry). On Saturday the Hamilton Woodtype Museum was having their last hurrah because they have to move so Cindy and I went up there for the festivities. Sherry was suppose to meet us but called when we were almost done to say she will be there after she gets a sandwich.

For New Years Eve, we did the typical quiet thing. We watched a movie and ate broiled goat cheese and other typical appetisers. New Years Day we just vegged.

The tree is now down and the house is back to normal. The holidays are officially over, lets get on with it.

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It’s just weird

The end of the year is always crazy at work anyway but now we are dealing with the splitting of the company and all the crazy that brings. I am staying with the mother ship while my 2 co-workers are going to the V. Stay with the original company is definitely less stressful because the only thing that really changes for me is that there are less of us. We don’t need new badges or business cards, we don’t have new anything.

After Friday the 21 (aka the end of the world according to the Mayans) I am off for the holidays. I come back on the 31st just in time to make sure my “day one” websites are ready to go. Then when we come back to work on Jan 2, what? Does something magic happen? Can I talk to my co-workers? They will still be sitting next to me for a least a little while. I foresee that they will need my assistance on some of the projects I handed off to them but what will I be able to do. Like I said, weird.

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On the road education

In the mornings, Hollace now walks to school. The school is really close to us but it is on a busy, non-pedestrian friendly road so we never really wanted her to walk. Her friend Kayla was walking so we decided that her last year at that school it would be ok.

They are getting a learning experience by watching road kill decomposition. Every day I get an update on the road kill de jour. Lately it is a deer they named Jessica. She is in bad shape and quite gruesome. Every day Jessica takes another leap into the disgusting. Before Jessica it was Albert the opossum until he blew up. Oh joy. 😉

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Super Consumer

Last week I had to get tires on my car. 35,000 miles on that set of tires (Bridgestones) which is total crap. I went to Sam’s Club cause I had good luck there before getting my desired brand, Michellin. I do some up front research and fall in love with their new Defender (that is if you can fall in love with tires that is) but according to Sam’s they don’t carry them for my car which I think is an SE and takes 16″ rims. I know this going in yet when I get to Sam’s the guy looks up my car and asks if I want Defenders. Yes!

They are busy so it will be 90 minutes. Ok I will read for awhile and then time my frozen food shopping for 6:00. At 6:00 I go check and they tell me that they haven’t even started on them, another hour. Dang, my frozens will thaw. I go find someone to take my stuff to a freezer while I go back and read (Steven King’s 11/22/63). Half an hour later they call to tell me that they have a problem. The Defenders only come in 15″ rim and I have 16″. Major disappointment. We look at what they do have for 16″ rims and decide on Primacy which I knew from the website. I also knew they didn’t stock them and there is a three day wait. I wasted 2.5 hours at Sam’s and drove away with my old bald tires and paid more for tires with only a 60K mileage instead of Defender’s 90K. :-(


We have apparently had our DirecTV Tivo DVR for 7 years. For several years it has given us some grief and thought it was time to get a new one but then it would start behaving and all was good again. DirecTV was planning on partnering with Tivo again for HD but was already 3 years delayed. For those 3 years I anxiously waited for the update because we wanted to stick with Tivo if we could. It came out back in February but our DVR was working ok and I wasn’t ready for the added expense of HD so we stayed the course.

Last week however the DVR started acting up and this time it didn’t seem like it was going to fix itself. I was all ready to go for the Tivo when I seen DirecTV’s new Genie super DVR. You could record 5 shows at once and watch side by side shows and it had a TB HD, hmm intriguing.

Saturday after 9:30 pm I call DirecTV ready to take the plunge. They say they will have a guy there to install on Sunday. And he did even though they failed to state on the order that he has to install a new HD dish. RAW isn’t thrilled because they can’t put this heavier one on the fascia like the old one-whatever.

My bigger worry was old stick in the mud RAW and how he was going to adjust with the Genie and it’s features. As I expected, lots of grumbling and whining-ug.

Monday morning I go to turn the TV on and it is asking for the access card–great. Can’t mess with it right now, got to go to work. RAW eventually resets it and all is good.

Tuesday it didn’t it again and wouldn’t recover. I told RAW to call DirecTV and sure enough we have a defective unit. We are still waiting for a replacement. In the meantime if RAW wants to watch TV he has to do it in my studio where he grumbles that the chair is too uncomfortable.

On the bright side, he cleaned the fridge yesterday since he couldn’t watch TV.


Monday I finally picked some glasses and placed my order.

Part of the reason I dragged my heals ordering these things is that predictably I need the bifocals. I know no one escapes and that I am much older then most who get them, still the same, I feel like I really am old now. I wanted to fight it and quite honestly I think I still see pretty good close up but I know it is starting to go. I am also worried about adjusting to progressive lenses. I watched Paula constantly fiddle with hers the last time she was here. Sherry brought up a good point, it will be easier to adjust while my near prescription is weaker then if I wait until later.

me and my hipster glasses

I am fixated with getting cat eyes, I want to be quirky. Or like Lynda Weinman from Lynda.com.

I guess cat eyes would be the female equivalent of what Hollace calls hipster glasses or I have heard called geek chic. Those glasses are usually those 1950’s black glasses that my dad wore in his HS photo. In fact when Hollace seen that picture of her grandpa in the 50’s, she said hipspter glasses! I’m not getting those, I am getting a variation of what the women work in the 50’s. 😉

I was all set getting the brown ones I picked out the last time but the guy showed me the red ones and I fell in love. Don’t worry, they aren’t Sally Jessie Raphael red from the 80s, these are so pretty. Sherry, my adviser approves through pictures taken with my iPhone. I don’t think I will get them before Thanksgiving though :-(


We are in dire need for a new mattress. I have been contemplating shopping for them for two years now. I dread the thought of dealing with high stakes (I can’t think of the word that goes with high there) salesmen while laying around a store on mattresses who know who laid on before me. I got to get over that and just do it but first I will do my homework and go in armed with knowledge





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What’s going on?

It seems like it has been forever since I wrote here but it looks like it has only been a month which isn’t as long as it feels.

My last entry was on our Columbus Day camping trip. Earlier this week we made our reservations for next year. In Wisconsin the earliest you can reserve is 11 month before and with electric sites you better be on the ball. Especially so since Ivie suggested Door County.

Last Saturday Ivie had a Lia Sophia jewelery party. JoAnn wanted to go so we went. I am so not the jewelery house party person but sat there was watched the woman that were in wonder, well maybe not wonder. Barb was there too so JoAnn and I sat next to her.

We ended that party by going to the computer to try and get our camping sites since we were all there but apparently they don’t let you reserve over the weekend which meant we had to do it Monday morning at 9:00.

I had to get reservations for Ivie and Barb too so I opened up three separate browsers and logged into the accounts I set up for them last year and and was waiting for 9:00. There were only 5 sites left so we had to be extra diligent. JoAnn, Deb and I all sat on the phone in a 3-way call at the moment. Jo and Deb both shouted out that they got their sites and me….all three sites I was trying for were already taken!

So a scrambling we go. We head to the other state park in the area and quickly find five sites in a row. Since Jo and Deb already reserved the other sites they were able to try for these. Actually I had a site at the other place for some reason I clicked reserve on even though it wasn’t that close to Jo and Deb’s and it didn’t include Ivie’s and Barb’s so we all go back and cancel those sites–$14 wasted and head back and snag up the new sites. Mission accomplished, we are reserved and now frazzled.

Hope the weather is nice in October next year.

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Camping with people

Last weekend was Columbus Day which means it was finally time to go camping. We only had our reservations for 11 months. JoAnn wanted to make sure we got them the earliest we possibly could. She was so early that she accidentally signed up for an extra day–Thursday.

RAW went down early to keep JoAnn company but really to help her set up her camper since her husband was due down until Friday evening.

Me and the kid left on Friday as soon as she got home from school. It’s a 3 hour drive, we got there at exactly 6:00.

Barb and Jim, and Mike and Ivy were also already there. Only Deb and Joe hadn’t arrived yet.

The weather forecast for the weekend was for cold. I packed up every warm thing and for the most part stayed warm enough. Because we were with other people I sat at the campfire all night which resulted in literally freezing my ass off. Ok, not really literally but I would say the closest thing to literally. I couldn’t sleep that first night because my frozen ass was radiating cold and was distracting. I got use to it enough to sleep the next two nights but all three nights were the same, frozen ass–it was bizarre.

By the time I got to the campground (Governor Dodge SP) RAW was already feeling no pain. He is a sappy drunk. I have no problem with that but he is cranky as hell when he sobers up and that was on full display in front of everyone at the campground–embarrassing. I told him it was time for him to leave and he did. Fortunately he didn’t get like that the other nights.

On Saturday it was breakfast at our campground.

After breakfast, JoAnn, Mark, Barb, RAW Hollace and I headed out to House on the Rock. It has been many years but still I don’t remember anything like this. It was crazy with stuff and things to see. Hollace loved it for the old timey stuff and chandlers.

Saturday for dinner, Mike made lasagna and peach cobbler in the dutch oven.

Was kind of torn at the campfire that night. There was the work friends campfire and the neighbors one. I was the common thread between both groups. We spent a good time at Mike’s campfire until Ivy and Barb went off to bed. That was my queue to leave. I went to JoAnn’s fire. It wasn’t 10 minutes before RAW and Mike came over–I was busted 😉

Sunday Deb and Joe left early and Jim and Barb worked on leaving. JoAnn/Mark, Mike/Ivy and us all planned on staying until Monday. Actually Mark had to leave on Sunday too so him and JoAnn toured around the SP. RAW took a nap and Hollace and I went to Mineral Point which is sort of an artisan town.

We got back in time for snack time. Mike and Ivy was laying out some crackers and cheese. It was only Hollace and I. Mike made dinner again (hamburgers and hotdogs). He keeps us well fed that none of us ever really touched the food we brought to cook.

Monday was time to pack up and head back home. Since we drove separately Hollace and I could head out earlier then RAW. We got back home by 2:15.

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So, last week I thought I was going blind

Actually I first noticed something odd with my vision while Paula was visiting. On my right eye there was a blurry spot. I had the urge to rub  my eye to clear things up but it didn’t help. Upon further review, I noticed it was like a piece of film with definite edges that seemed to float around there. It was odd and I was a little concerned but distracted since my sisters were visiting.

After everyone went back home I decided I should look into this odd eye thing that was still there. I try not to play Dr. Google but I wanted to see what the symptom was for all the eye ailments I could think of.

I typed in cataracts then macular degeneration (like mom has) and then glacoma. All of these eye diseases are associated with old eyes. Sherry’s boyfriend has cataracts and is only a couple years older then me so anything was possible. None of those sounded like what I was witnessing.

Then it occurred to me that it looked like something was detached. Yikes, detached retina! OMG, that so totally sounds like it. I asked Sherry about it and mentioned it on BYB and it was unanimous, get yourself to an eye doctor pronto!

I went to a few days later and psyched myself up for a worst case scenario of horrible treatments in my eye. What she said what I had was a posterior vitreous detachment (I guess that detachment part right) and the only thing that can be done is nothing.

What I had was the granddaddy of floaters. Yep, a glorified floater. It won’t go away but my brain will eventually forget about it.

One of the symptoms of a detached or torn retina is a posterior vitreous detachment. So there you have it. Hopefully I will never get there.

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Since May I have been using MyFitnessPal to try and lose weight. After my doctor visit earlier this year where I gained 9 lbs in 3 months I had to do something. I had another follow up 3 months later and I was determined to impress my doctor by showing her the scale in the other direction.

I did, I lost nearly 20 lbs in those 3 months. She was impressed. Achievement earned.

Now I need to lose the rest, about 100 lbs more. I have some momentum so lets keep going. Last month my friend Lisa told me about this glorified pedometer called a Fitbit. If you like stats this little dodad is for you. It automatically syncs your steps (and stair climbs) to a website where you can knock yourself out with bars and chart on your activity level. Mainly it is incentive to get those steps up.

Since I got mine I average about 8,000 steps. Much better then I thought this desk jockey did on a normal basis. Of course this includes a 30 minute walk at lunch which consistently is 1.25 miles no matter if I walk the labs or the “goose” walking trail or a round trip to AP32.

On the home front I have been walking more at the forest preserves, which as soon as I finish this entry, Hollace and I will be doing. Hollace apparently loves to walk and will walk and walk if I let her. I can’t deny the kid of a walk especially since she does spend a good amount of time sitting in a chair watching Youtube.

Speaking of Hollace, she has some healthy habits there. She loves asparagus, kale (chips), eggplant and walking. Pizza is too greasy for her now and she skeeves out on veins. I added that last one as just a remember when… thing when I read this entry years later 😉

Anyway, this Fitbit is doing its job and getting me moving. 10K is the goal in a day and I have had several 10K days (and one 16K day)

I have lost now 22.5 lbs now. Slow and steady but as long as the trend keeps going down, I will be patient by eating right and walking to the ends of the earth.

So let me close now so I can lace up my walking shoes and start walking.

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